Like many of you, I was experiencing EXTREME hit detection issues and typical lag comp BS. (Guy peeks me for less than a second and I'm dead while on the kill cam he was staring at me for atleast 3-4 seconds, Shooting someone in the back and they somehow kill you and the killcam shows that THEY were shooting YOU in the back.)
Funnily enough a few days ago everything was flawless until the hotfix. I was having sooo much fun with this game. Then things took a turn for the worst... Every game I was getting into had horrible scenarios like mentioned above, with multiple host migrations a game, 150+ CONSTANT ping. (meaning not a dedicated server).
I said enough was enough and decided to investigate.
The hypothesis: NA Servers are either down or something is severely wrong with them.
The experiment: Using my netduma to find out the ping to the server and where the server is located. 100 tests in 15 minute intervals on my launch day PS4 and 100 tests on my PS4 pro. The 100 tests are split in two 50s. 50 tests of seeing which server I am connecting to when opening the game. And 50 tests of seeing which server/P2P host I am connecting to when searching for a match of control.
The results: astonishing....
EVERY SINGLE TEST when opening the game resulted in me connecting to a dedicated server IN EUROPE. Every single game search resulted in me being put into a match on a server in the EU region or a P2P host in the EU region. This was mind blowing to me. So I decided, with my netduma, to use the geo filter which enables me to ONLY connect to hosts/servers within a certain radius of my location. I could not find one match... So in conclusion, I was being auto connected to an EU server.
I decided to block the one server I kept being connected to when starting the game. And then... It worked. I connected to a server in central United States. Got into a game flawlessly, a control on Payload. Checked my ping and it was a stable 34ms.
This is the server in particular that was being connected to EVERY TIME.
Solution: Either /u/TreyarchPC communicates this with whoever is in charge or you have to have to block whatever foreign server you’re connecting from being accessed by your console.
Edit: To specify, I’m not saying that every person in NA is being connected to EU servers. After reading a lot of your comments, it’s apparent that this is an issue for a significant portion of player across the globe. South Americans being connected to NA and so forth. I’d also like to specify on the solution. As of right now, the only way to solve the issue of being connected to foreign servers is to have a net duma or something similar (I think netgear has a router) that has the ability to recognize what servers your console is connecting to and being able to block that server. Before coming to this solution I had tried quite literally everything on my end. From completely initializing my PS4 to putting my modem in the freezer (overheating possibly). Overall, after finally being able to connect to US servers, I absolutely LOVE this game and am having a blast.
Edit 2: Port forwarding is not an issue for me as I have my console(s) in the DMZ.
tl;dr: Game connecting SOME of you to foreign servers/hosts. To fix I used my netduma to block that server I was connecting to when logging into the game, restarted app and now I’m playing in ~30ms ping games again.
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