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almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by sterfried

Tagging /u/FoxhoundFPS for visibility

Thank you for tagging me. This somehow didn't land in my inbox, but I'm sending this to enforcement right now.

almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by DerTino82

What annoys me even more than the f**king hackers is that Treyarch absolutely does nothing about it and takes the pleasure of others in the game

We actively enforce via in-game reports, public reports (like this and others), and efforts on our side to detect/ban automatically. It's the proverbial cat/mouse that you would come to expect it to be.

We also typically don't share this, but I was just informed that this account has already received enforcement which is great. Reddit's tag system didn't place a notification from the OP in my inbox last night or I would have sent as quickly as possible.

Processing infraction reports much more quickly and transparency on this process is a fair criticism/request. We don't typically share information on investigations on policy (privacy concerns and all that) or current efforts/enforcement-style as this is, again, a state of cat/mouse.

Our enforcement teams (PC/Console) are great people and care about keeping the field as fair as possible just as you do. Feel free to tag me in situations you might find or suspect and I'll help lift it up to the top.

Sorry for along post!

almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by sterfried

Thanks again -- I remembered to tag this account this time!

I am sure you can't provide details of specific enforcement activities but I was wondering if there's any information you can relay to the community, generally, about what types of punitive actions are taken for cheaters.

Such as: do they have their game account suspended or merely reset? If reset, is there a "3 strike" rule or something like that for repeat offenders? Do they lose all their camos and black market rewards? Are you able to detect "alt accounts" and ban those as well or are they free to continue with each new purchase of the game?

If you can't reveal anything about the process I understand, but I have seen comments, on this post and in the past, where the community assumes there is no action taken or it's a waste of time. I don't believe this to be the case but it would be nice to have some official confirmation.

Either way, thanks for confirming you've relayed this out.

We detail enforcement policy here. We don't openly detail investigation processes as policy.