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Quads Moshpit v2 in Blackout


This week’s new Quads Moshpit v2 is now live in Blackout, featuring a mix of Hot Pursuit, Pandemic, Hardcore Quads, and Close Quarters Frenzy – and yes, it should be a true Moshpit this time around! After encountering an issue with last week’s Duos Moshpit that started most matches in Hardcore Duos, we believe we’ve fixed the problem today. Players will continue to be placed into the lobby closest to starting a match, and chances of playing any of the four available modes should now be evenly split.

For our Duos-only players, standard Duos is scheduled to come back into rotation within the next week. As a reminder, we’re testing new weekly playlist rotations to keep things fresh, give players more LTMs to check out in Moshpits, and keep wait times as low as possible. That said, we’re keeping an eye on community feedback and playlist data to help inform our long-term playlist schedule. Go get some matches under your belt in the new Quads Moshpit v2 and let us know what you think.

2XP Prop Hunt in Multiplayer

Prop Hunt returns with 2XP this week! Head over to the latest Featured Playlist, show us your best cardboard box impression, and get ready for 2XP Chaos Domination next week. We’ll also have more 2XP party games featured later in the schedule, including Sticks and Stones, One in the Chamber, Infected: Final Stand, and Party Game Moshpit.

Missing Warpaints Restored

Since our last update, we’ve restored several Warpaints that appeared missing for players who had earned them previously, including Spectre’s Ninja Warpaint, Zero’s Arabian Knight Warpaint, and Battery’s Queen’s Guard Warpaint. Please let us know in the comments below if you’re still missing any previously earned Warpaints after this update.

Here’s what’s new since our previous update:



  • Personalization
    • Restored several Warpaints that appeared missing for players who had earned them previously, including Spectre’s Ninja Warpaint, Zero’s Arabian Knight Warpaint, Battery’s Queen’s Guard Warpaint, and more.


  • Featured Playlists
    • PS4/Xbox One
      • Prop Hunt (2XP)
      • Nuketown
      • Barebones Moshpit
      • Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit
      • Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
    • PC
      • Prop Hunt (2XP)
      • Nuketown
      • Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit


  • Moshpits
    • New Quads Moshpit v2 now live, featuring the following Quads-only Blackout modes:
      • Hot Pursuit
      • Pandemic
      • Hardcore Quads
      • Close Quarters Frenzy
    • Addressed an issue that could cause the majority of Moshpit matches to launch in a single game type.
  • Featured Playlists
    • PS4/Xbox One
      • Quads Moshpit v2
      • Alcatraz Portal Quads
      • Quads
      • Solo
    • PC
      • Alcatraz Portal Quads
      • Quads Moshpit v2
      • Quads


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