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over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n

Yeah there's something wrong with them.
/u/FoxhoundFPS please take a look, thank you.

Spoke with the team and these are indeed set to spawn on Alcatraz. Keep checking near traditional zombie spawns and killing them too.

over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n

Too bad PC community gets constantly ignored, f**k us I guess

This post has a tone I feel is unnecessary and I'm sorry you feel that this is the only way that you can engage. It's most definitely not. This can easily be a healthy conversation and I feel I've shown this is capable elsewhere on your other threads and locations where I have interacted.

I'll share with the team again that you're not seeing them and see what they have to say back. Hopefully, our future discussions will be less hyperbolic.

over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n

I acknowledge I could be less hyperbolic, but you'll understand that, as a player who wants to love the game, it's getting harder and harder with bugs reported and never fixed and the very poor communication.

I want the game to be better, and that's why I report bugs with very descriptive videos and steps, but sometimes it seems pointless.

Just to give you a some examples:

  1. more than two months ago I reported a bug, with a video, in which I show that molotovs damage nullifies Trauma kits after the fire effect is ended. To this day, it still occurs.
  2. since the beginning, I guess, the Switchblade X9 deals 145 meelee damage in Blackout, wich is very, very broken (especially in Alcatraz), since the standard meelee damage is 20HP. This is very likely originated from wrong copy-pasted values from Multiplayer, in which meelee always deal 145HP. I reported it, you replied it probably would be fixed in the next major patch. The major patch went live, but no mentions in the patch notes: is it fixed? Is it not? If yes, why not report it? That's the whole point of patch notes. Also, from a fan POV, it's very sad to see how a weapon can be broken since its debut, in January. Heck, it's been 8 months, no-one in Treyarch / QA noticed it?
  3. Continuing the months-long bugs saga, I reported a very game-breaking bug, in which players sometimes respawn with water sounds attached, even by standing still. This has occured since the first DBNO mode, which debuted 8 months ago. Still hasn't been fixed. What the hell?


So, you ask for a more polite behaviour, and I get it, but I wouldn't be surprised that years-long fans of the franchise get so frustrated with a game that they want to love, but Treyarch as a whole make it difficult to (and don't get me started on microntransactions / Black Stash weapons).

More communications will definetely lead to a more healthy community, that's for sure. That said, /u/FoxhoundFPS I'm sorry for the tone, I'll try to be less aggressive, and hope to see those and others bugs fixed and a proper communication from you (Treyarch) about fixed bugs and works in progress fixes.

I understand and your points are a fair criticism. The examples are things I've recently forwarded again and will continue to forward them as needed.

The Switchblade X9 issue was investigated and a fix exists. I'll check to see where that is in terms of PC and console releases.

I can also share that our current PC update is scheduled to go live alongside Operation Apocalypse Z: Survivors.

over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n

Ok, if you could update on the Switchblade fix release ETA when you know something would be nice. Thank you.

Current Switchblade fix is targeted for this coming Tuesday along with the Operation Apocalypse Z: Survivors update.