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Ok, so this is going to be kind-of long, as I am encompassing nearly the entire game.

I am a PC Player, Console players make all the jokes you want, but we are all here cause we all play Bo4. We all would love to see this game reach its potential, and go even further than that. But, there are a few problems.

First of all, some weapon tuning is required for PC.

- The Rampage should have a slower firerate. Its the Brecci/Haymaker 2.0.

- The Rampart needs to lose High Cal 2. Three shotting with an AR is kindof absurd.

- High Caliber 1 and 2 do nothing to the Paladin.

- Knifing hit detection needs to be looked at. I can be right next to a person, yet miss a knife from point blank range.

- Shooting someone with one bullet then meleeing them shouldn’t be a thing. ( Why does a gun butt melee hit do like 145 damage?!?)

Next up are some specialist tunings (which I believe apply to every platform)

- Recon - His Sensor Dart Still only benefits himself in HC. It should give info to those who are within its circle.

- Prophet - His Tempest needs to be changed to the Bo3 Tempest. Give it a charge shot, and less accurate hip fire accuracy.

- Seraph - Make it so Tac Deploys can't be placed within 5 feet of spawn. I have so many teammates who just plonk it down as soon as they spawn, making it borderline useless.

- Nomad- Juneau's health needs to scale depending on the mode.

Now some things that I would like to see implemented into the game:

- Daily Challenges - Zombies has them! Why can't MP or Blackout have them?

- Weekly Challenges

- Community Challenges- Remember those from previous games?

- Add Challenges that take a bit, so people can earn the base variants of weapons from previous Operations. For instance: 1000 melee kills for the Secret Santa.

- The ability to use the paint shop to paint on the TOP of guns. Currently, we are limited to a single side, while in the past (of this game), we were able to edit all of the sides.

The fact that you guys have to remove playlists from PC, and combine them together tells me that numbers for PC are not looking good. So my question is, Why treat the symptoms, instead of looking for the root cause?

The fact is, the root causes are not only on PC (as mentioned to me several times by u/RdJokr1993 :p)

For instance:

- Lack of Frequent/meaningful content. Nobody wants a battle pass full of stickers and other things that they won't use 90% of the time. (Add a few other worthwhile camos/variants please :3)

- Lack of overall communication. Sure we get a patch note here and there, but there really doesn't seem to be any Dev/Player communication. It was great towards the start of the game, but now? Not so much.

- Normal Updates Delayed by a week for Xbox and PC. (thanks PS4 users for being the guinea pigs /s) I assume this change was due to what Sony agreed to you guys for the exclusivity deal.

- Exclusivity Deals. I get it, you all enjoy the extra money. But at what cost to your consumers? What about your investors?

And I am sure that there are many more causes that the community can come up with.

We all want to see your game succeed on ALL platforms, but with the current management of the game, that simply will never be the case.

Thank you for reading. u/treyarch_official, u/MaTtKs, u/davidvonderhaar, u/FoxhoundFPS

TL:DR - Fix your game Treyarch. Save Your Playerbase.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/TreyarchPC - Direct link

Thank you for putting this post together. I have the following points to share back.

  • Weapon and Specialist Tuning: These are items I will share with the team.
  • Daily / Weekly / Community Challenges: Understandable requests. I don't have anything to share about this type of request, but I'll pass it along.
  • Paint Shop Customization: These are items I have passed along and will continue to pass along.
  • Contraband Content: This is feedback we see across the spectrum. Nothing to share other than the feedback is seen.
  • Communication: Studio members, in various capacities, engage often across a number of accounts and mediums. We're also listening more often than not.
  • Update Delays: This is something we've spoken to before. Recent delays saw us combine multiple updates into one, which prevented collision issues present on console from entering the PC space, and extended testing.
  • Exclusivity Deals: This is a business decision I am not at liberty to speak to.