Battle tag: wolf#212686
Low-key wallhacking on and off throughout the matches. He got the Nuke calling card. His average score is really bad during multiple matches. Yet when I followed him prior to recording him, he pre-aimed with a sniper while pushing when someone was about to jump on him. I thought 1 time is lucky, but he did it 3 times in a row in that same lane at The Jungle map. No UAV was active at that time and they had no sound either as I'm using Acoustic sensor and I had more camera view angle because I stood to the Left of him and wasn't able to see anyone until the person jumped out to get sniped midair.
So this time I decided to record him. On quite a few areas, he just pre-aim even when no one is on UAV or making a sound. He seems to be always certain when he walks out in the open area. - Part 1 - Part 2
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