Any comment about this?
Any comment about this?
MJ was inaccurate here which is unfortunate, but human. We'll follow-up with a note to the support team for an easy fix. Here's our Black Ops 4 enforcement policy for everyone to read too. We actively enforce for teaming.
well i would say its a big human mistake to make but will have to accept it as fact.
I hope the 2 players in my video will be banned as they went on to win the game and when i pulled them up on teaming the stated they dont care they do it all the time, they then went on to verbally assault me say things like they would drop kick my grandmother along with other things.
Feel free to tag me moving forward and I'll direct it straight to our enforcement team. We'll enforce according to our policy noted above.
The VOIP or PSN messages will need to be relayed to Sony.
Just using a link to their profile won’t tag then
Thanks for dropping a proper tag!