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I'm not blaming the game, or SBMM like the usual posts. I was just wondering if you have days where every match just seems strange?

It's as if your aim doesn't feel right. You manage to get your opponents down to their last bit of health but just can't seem to kill them. Keep missing shots that normally would be relatively easy to make?

I know it's not the game as opponents aren't any sweatier than usual and my network connection is fine, so it's me somehow.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Yes. I once adjusted my desk height ten times in a single day. I eventually found the sweet spot.

almost 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by infinityluiss

Tell me, how hard is it to not lean forward your monitor when things get a little rough in game

I definitely sit up during some matches. I always sit up during playtests though.