@shiftingembers Hello Zalem! For us to investigate this further, please contact our support team so they can look into it. Thank you!
@ZamLuxeon We would like to thank the community as well for being patient with us while we were looking into this issue.
We're also investigating the concerns regarding elemental weapons.
@punklotus13 Thank you for reporting this matter to us. We advise you to submit a video of the issue to our Player Experience Team as this could help in our investigation.
@ZamLuxeon @becaso2005 Thank you both for sharing your thoughts and feedback with us! We'll be sure to take note of this as we continue to find ways to further improve your gaming experience!
@Dani29753332 Hello Dani, we appreciate your enthusiasm to have the Spanish language become one of the subtitles in Bless Unleashed. We'll be sure to forward your request for the production team to consider.
@isaacxfury This is an unexplored area in Lumios that are currently off-limits to all Pyreborn. You must not venture into this land and please wait for our signal to ensure your safety!
@AngilShadowMoon @Sony Hello Angel, rest assured that our team is investigating this issue and we're looking for ways to resolve this. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
@Dillonc09 We're sorry to hear about this. Please try to clear your console's system cache and use a hard-wired connection to improve the game's performance.
@lcariasl @ZamLuxeon @becaso2005 You're welcome and we are thankful for your patience while we were handling the issue. We're always happy to hear your suggestions and we'll be sure to deliver this to the development team for consideration!
@luis70247267 Hello Luis, please know that there is no information yet if there will be a trading system to be implemented in-game. Rest assured that this will be forwarded for review. Please stay tuned :)
@Dmfeagins Hello David! If you are unable to login, please contact our support team so they can look into this further. Thank you!
@hackavelidope1 Greetings hackavelidope! There was an update earlier which is why the servers are temporarily unavailable. The servers are back up so you may now download and install the new client so you can login.
@Chris52288657 @Kat02421547 Thanks for sharing your suggestions, Kat and Abdydaby! We'll be sure to take note and pass these up to the dev team for review.