almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 3 years ago - jaqub.ajmal - Direct link
Hello Bloodhunt Community!

The time has come to play Bloodhunt again!

We are thrilled to announce that the upcoming Bloodhunt Closed PC Playtest is now set for the 25th of March at 10:00 CET.

We are planning to run the test throughout the weekend, provided that nothing unforeseen happens.

In this test, you will be able to experience Bloodhunt Mode in solo and trios as well as an improved tutorial level.

We will also be conducting a survey to gather your thoughts. The survey link will be available through Twitter and Discord. We also look forward to hearing your feedback on our Discord at {LINK REMOVED}

While this is a playtest available to players that had previously played Bloodhunt during Early Access, we do have a limited supply of codes that we want to give to new players that might have missed the Bloodhunt Early Access.

For a chance in obtaining one, please join the Bloodhunt discord server over at {LINK REMOVED} and join the #playtest channel and type !keyrequest and we will reach out to you.

Please keep in mind that keys are limited.

The playtest servers are expected to close on the 28th of March 10:00 CET.

Here are the playtest start times converted to a few other time zones:

05:00 ET

02:00 PT

For additional local times, please use this time converter: {LINK REMOVED}

See you on the streets of Prague!
