over 2 years
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | hello bladder community my name is jakub |
4s | bajamal and i'm the player relations |
6s | manager here at shock mob today we'll be |
8s | taking a look at some of the highlights |
10s | of the summer update let's check it out |
14s | we heard from you that the gamepad needs |
16s | a few improvements so we're happy to say |
18s | that with this update we've been |
20s | focusing on adding a few new options |
23s | that helps you customize your experience |
25s | when it comes to playing with the |
26s | gamepad |
27s | we hope that this improves your |
29s | competitive experience when playing |
31s | blood on it |
34s | this update comes with a brand new |
35s | summer pass which contains 100 levels of |
38s | unlocks at the new special price of only |
40s | 600 tokens this summer pass is designed |
43s | to be a little bit breezier so that you |
45s | can complete it during your vacation |
49s | make sure to explore the elysium because |
51s | we added a few new areas for you to |
52s | investigate additionally we've done a |
54s | few small changes to prague which we |
57s | think that you might find interesting |
59s | and last but not least we added two new |
61s | weapons one of them being a knife and |
64s | another one being a crowbar |
66s | for the very first time in blood hunt |
68s | you'll get to experience team deathmatch |
71s | in this frantic 8 vs 8 you will duke it |
74s | out across 5 different arenas that are |
76s | based upon the map of prague as this is |
78s | a beta we're very keen to hear what you |
80s | think about it so team up with your |
82s | friends and let's get to it |
86s | as you play this new update you might |
87s | notice that some of the camarilla crates |
89s | are now locked and you will have to find |
91s | a key to unlock them we've done this |
93s | change to break up the pacing a little |
95s | bit and to make it a little bit harder |
97s | for you to find the best weapons in the |
98s | game |
99s | [Music] |
101s | what update is complete without any |
103s | balance changes and this one of course |
105s | contains a few of those when it comes to |
107s | melee weapons we've roughed the axe and |
109s | the spiked bat |
111s | as for the archetypes we've tweaked some |
112s | of the abilities like the flash of |
114s | marble blind beauty urban shot and super |
117s | bomb |
119s | so these are some of the highlights of |
121s | the summer update for the full patch |
123s | notes make sure to visit us at |
125s | bloodhound.com as always we hope that |
127s | you will enjoy this update and see you |
129s | at dusk |
131s | [Music] |