over 3 years
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Hello Bloodhunt community!
This is the second week of Bloodhunt Early Access, and we wanted to share some thoughts with you on our strategy around anti-cheat and what we are doing to combat cheating and hacking in our game. Cheating is very frustrating for developers and players alike and sadly widespread among online multiplayer games. Sharkmob is committed to removing hackers and cheaters from our games and we will be unwavering in our efforts to protect our game, and players, from such behavior.
We have already started banning the offenders we have caught so far, but many of the more advanced cheats can often be adjusted to work their way around detection methods. As part of Early Access we are in a form of "learning mode", where our systems and developers are watching and waiting to see what kind of cheats are deployed. Once we have a big enough data set of regular gameplay vs cheating we will be able to auto-detect offenders much easier and hopefully prevent some cheats altogether. People that are caught cheating or hacking will be banned. Until then, if you see any obvious cheaters and would like to report them, please do so here: {LINK REMOVED}https://support.sharkmob.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003045858
We are also looking at additional ways to counter hackers and we look forward to continuing sharpening the ban-katana with you. We greatly appreciate your support on this matter.
On a related note, we have been hard at work on fixing the second bug related to our anti-cheat software. (Information about the first fix can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/760160/discussions/0/3032600513498039678/ ). As a result, we now have a potential fix for the issue where the anti-cheat can in some rare cases keep running even after the game has been shut down. This small update will be installed by simply restarting Steam.
Build id once you have the update is: 7348436
You can see what build of the game you have by right-clicking on Bloodhunt in your game library and selecting properties.
Thank you for your support and as always, see you at dusk!
/Sharkmob Team
This is the second week of Bloodhunt Early Access, and we wanted to share some thoughts with you on our strategy around anti-cheat and what we are doing to combat cheating and hacking in our game. Cheating is very frustrating for developers and players alike and sadly widespread among online multiplayer games. Sharkmob is committed to removing hackers and cheaters from our games and we will be unwavering in our efforts to protect our game, and players, from such behavior.
We have already started banning the offenders we have caught so far, but many of the more advanced cheats can often be adjusted to work their way around detection methods. As part of Early Access we are in a form of "learning mode", where our systems and developers are watching and waiting to see what kind of cheats are deployed. Once we have a big enough data set of regular gameplay vs cheating we will be able to auto-detect offenders much easier and hopefully prevent some cheats altogether. People that are caught cheating or hacking will be banned. Until then, if you see any obvious cheaters and would like to report them, please do so here: {LINK REMOVED}https://support.sharkmob.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003045858
We are also looking at additional ways to counter hackers and we look forward to continuing sharpening the ban-katana with you. We greatly appreciate your support on this matter.
On a related note, we have been hard at work on fixing the second bug related to our anti-cheat software. (Information about the first fix can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/760160/discussions/0/3032600513498039678/ ). As a result, we now have a potential fix for the issue where the anti-cheat can in some rare cases keep running even after the game has been shut down. This small update will be installed by simply restarting Steam.
Build id once you have the update is: 7348436
You can see what build of the game you have by right-clicking on Bloodhunt in your game library and selecting properties.
Thank you for your support and as always, see you at dusk!
/Sharkmob Team