almost 3 years ago - Bloodhunt - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
8s beyond the thin veil of reality
11s lies a world of darkness
15s you know this my son
17s yes father
20s unholy creatures preying on god's
23s children like filthy leeches on blood
26s wounds
32s our brothers found them in prague father
36s hiding in plain sight
48s they're having a secret meeting in their
50s godforsaken haven
52s let me go their father
56s their secret meeting
59s is no more
63s deception
65s my son
71s now they will blame each other for a
74s treason they could not expect
79s oh [ __ ]
92s oh
104s blood thirsty bastards
108s indeed
111s and how will they react to when it dawns
114s on them that they've been deceived
120s we wait for
138s the lord is our savior
141s and he has shown us the way
158s let the blood hunt
161s begin