over 2 years ago - Bloodhunt - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
2s [Music]
5s [Applause]
5s [Music]
9s ER of the original score of bloodhand
12s I'm extremely happy to announce that the
14s soundtrack have been working for the
15s past few years has been finally released
17s by distinguished record label from the
19s UK latest records and it's available now
23s online in many different formats
25s including Dolby Atmos
37s foreign
48s I'm recording and mixing all the sounds
51s I really enjoy playing around with
53s different instruments and quite often
55s using my own techniques for playing and
58s recording
59s for getting the right sound for the
61s project
63s I was fascinated by the piano and the
66s Art of improvisation at a very early
67s stage
68s the ethnic world is also very familiar
71s for me and extremely inspiring
73s especially with Slavic and Balkan
75s influences which are my roots
79s despite classical background I'm kind of
81s experimental when it comes to the sound
84s from the instruments and some aristic
87s approach
90s which also applies to the soundtrack of
92s bloodhound
97s foreign
110s score after writing the main cues
113s we recorded orchestral and choir Parts
117s in four four studios in Sofia in
120s Bulgaria
123s we wanted to have music large cinematic
126s feel and for what that we felt it was
129s important to record it with real
130s musicians to capture the musical
132s resonance and energy that this brings I
136s explored several dams before settling
138s for more classical and orchestrated
140s sound with choirs and layers of dark
143s electronics and sound design
145s foreign
147s about classical orchestration is that it
150s gives music a Timeless sound
153s and it is a genre that continues to be
156s enjoyed regardless of the latest musical
158s trends
160s the soundtrack of Blackhand was mixed in
162s Dolby Atmos at DK mix studios in Warsaw
166s we spend a lot of time getting the the
169s right balance between the headphones and
172s multi-speaker Atmos mix which is very
175s important for me to have this translate
178s in all systems for the listener
183s and it was great challenge to mix music
186s in Atmos if you want to get something
188s more then simply enhancement of the
191s story or image of the sound
193s and if you want your mix to be
195s translated in a similar way into
196s consumer and professional multi-speakers
198s and systems
200s I wanted to recreate the mix in the real
204s space of the instrument placement during
206s our recording sessions in Sofia so in
209s that case we've been using a lot of
210s automation for the Dolby based objects a
213s lot of programming I think
216s Atmos makes its outstanding and I hope
219s you enjoy this immersive musical
222s experience as well we had during the
225s mixing process
228s working on bloodhound's car was a great
231s experience and I hope you're not only
233s enjoying playing it but also enjoy the
235s music I created for