over 1 year
ago -
Brawl Stars
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | the name's Mo but you already know that |
3s | K yeah I know the lug we practically |
7s | grew up together it he's a third cousin |
11s | twice removed on my mother's college |
14s | roommate side great guy been begging for |
17s | a roll in my next flick or maybe you've |
20s | heard of |
21s | scy what you don't believe me am I a |
25s | joke to you am I a joke to you back to |
29s | set everyone |
32s | over we all know the |
36s | risks oh easy |
40s | knucklehead I'm number one baby to of |
43s | the |
46s | wild enough monkey in |
53s | around go I'm number one |
58s | baby I'm going to be a star for sure |