over 4 years
ago -
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Maintenance Inbound!
- Fixed an issue where the Mega Monster would not attack players during Enrage when it was exactly at 75% health remaining
- Super City Rampage will now end in a defeat if the maximum server time of 13 minutes is reached and the Mega Monster has not been defeated
- Crow - Increased Slowing Toxin duration from 2.5 seconds to 3.5 seconds
Gale - Decreased Main Attack damage from 320 to 280 per hit
- Decreased Super charge rate from 10 hits to 12 hits (120)
Mr. P - Decreased Home Base Health from 2800 to 2200
- Decreased Porter Health from 1500 to 1400
- Piper - Decreased Homemade Recipe homing bullet range by 15%
Surge - Decreased Health from 3100 to 2800
- Decreased Main Attack projectile split range by 25%