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Mystery mode sucks, now here's my rant

First of all, It doesn't even count towards ur game mode quests, which it really should just like power league Second of all, supercell lied to us about it, as on yt they confirmed it would have contained the old removed game modes aswell (it doesn't, it doesn't even contain new game modes, just only the enw aquatic maps)

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over 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Scydor

I'm just disappointed, especially about the fact that they lied to us

Bruh, I understand not enjoying the game mode, it’s a personal opinion and that’s completely fine, but slow down with the drama calling us liars, haha.

As someone said in another comment, Mystery Mode is gonna run like events, so the pre-selection of maps and game modes will (usually) have a theme (even if the theme is complete chaos). This week you’ll see all maps with the Deep Sea environment, in another week you’ll see a different group of maps and game modes. And yes, we can also include game modes that are not in rotation, like basket brawl and others.

As for quest not being completed there is a bug that I’m afraid will only be fixed once our team is back from holidays, unfortunately :(

And for trophies, we don’t have an opinion yet, but we might keep it, since both teams are in the same situation (they don’t know what map they will play), but I’d say we have to keep following community feedback + data to see if that’s something we wanna keep or not…