about 2 months ago - Brawl Stars - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the brow like gr event is here and I
2s have some of the ladies from the brow
4s team to help me tell you about it you
6s know the Drew complete 1.5 billion
8s takedowns but this time only using
10s female browers you might be wondering
12s what are the Milestones the first one is
14s special to kick off the event and to
16s celebrate this Milestone we will be
18s donating
19s $150,000 to three nonprofit
22s organizations the other Milestones
24s unlock Mastery Madness events but this
26s time you can get up to four times
28s Mastery points and the legendary star
30s drop at the end if you participate in
34s the event we will pick 10 random players
37s who will get all the female problems
39s including Melody when she is released
41s the event is live for 3 Days starting
44s now so go BR like a girl and take down
46s some Brawlers bye