3 months ago - Brawl Stars - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s BR talk is coming on 24 of February and
3s while we wait we have an event for you
5s it's piggy week three special Mega pigs
7s happening in a row and for each of them
9s a special in-game event the first one is
11s bra ball only with coin shower on the
13s side the second one is knockout together
15s with double XP and then the last one is
18s all game modes all modifiers and double
20s Mastery Madness and don't forget in
23s order to participate you need to be in a
25s club if you feel all those pigs you can
27s get up to 60 star drops yeah and you get
30s a chance to win a brw pass plus if you
32s participate at least in one Mega
35s pick and we will pick 100 clubs and if
38s you pick yours everyone in the club will
40s get the pass and that's it the first
43s mega pig is already live so go
46s play