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about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

She gets ready faster

about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Nick_The_Judge

Dani, this is a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION ok, you HAVE to answer this, this will determine the future of Brawl Stars’ success, ok here’s the question: When will you add Dani Piper, Jessie Paula and Frank Frank?

I think it will never happen :(

about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Dan299912

I don't expect you to answer since this probably counts as Starr Park's (maybe) secret lore, but from one Daniel to another (unless you name is actually Dani, here in Spain is just a shorter version), i'd like to share this little theory of mine with you (and anyone intereses in reading it)

Am I the only one who thinks that this "skin" is her real form? I mean; Sharp teeth. Her atack is not a "real amunition" and it doesn't deal an established amount of damage, it lowers the enemies health by percentage, which sounds a bit like magic. Also, in season six's "anouncement image" she was depicted as Trixie Colette, not like default Colette, despite not having any relation with the thematic. And in her latest skin, Gladiator Colette, the book is also alive, just like Trixie Colette's book (I know it is a Supercell Make skin, but I don't see a relation between a gladiator and a living book, even if said book acts as her shield)

(Or maybe I am wrong, because the sharp teeth theory went a bit to the trash with Lola. Or maby not because she can materialize her ego, and in her Brawl Talk, her reflection changed without her doing anithing and the mirror shatered... or wait, maybe THE EGO is the paranormal creature?! (I think this counts as another theory. Sorry))

Nice theory, but

about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Biscubricks

Oh hello Dani, I'm having a tea party tomorrow, wanna join ☕

Of course