11 months ago - Brawl Stars - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
3s I've got my pick because this is spicy
7s um I want you guys to talk about the new
10s gotcha somehow thought that would be the
12s pick so gotcha for those of you guys are
13s not aware of is brawl boxes yeah or
17s maybe not brawl boxes specifically but
19s that's what brawl boxes are are a gotcha
20s mechanic in games and game development
22s it's type of game development so
24s apparently there's new gotcha so the
26s question is how can you guys talk about
27s it without revealing too much sorry I'll
28s let you guys talk I actually want to
30s know what you're gonna say we'll try to
31s address the feedback of like people not
34s not being super excited about how they
36s get rewards yeah hopefully we bring
38s Justice to some of the issues that were
41s raised as a result of our December
44s update last year