about 4 years
ago -
Direct link
Optional Update
- Fixed Social Quests disappearing from the Quests menu if they were the only Seasonal Quest available for the player
- Fixed an issue that caused controls to become unresponsive in the Training Room when selecting Edit Controls from the Settings menu
- Fixed an emoji related crash that happened for players leaving and re-joining a game room
- Fixed an issue that prevented some battle music to be played correctly
- Fixed a line break text issue with Mascot Darryl
- Fixed game crashing on launch on iOS 9 devices (iOS only issue)
- Fixed Brawl Ball overtime crash issue (iOS only issue)
- Fixed missing Brawlidays skin icon graphics in Brawler Menu (iOS only issue)
- Fixed an issue in Map Maker where a fully red level area was displayed after pressing Clear All and attempting to save the map (iOS only issue)
- Fixed Server Error 43 when Carl died mid-air while flying with the Flying Hook Gadget
- Fixed Brawl TV sometimes selecting Training Room battles to be featured
- Fixed an issue that caused EMZ's Super ability to deal less damage than intended
- Fixed an issue that prevented Play Again to be offered correctly in consecutive battles
- Added Quests for Present Plunder