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over 1 year ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Griff_Enjoyer

Placeholder for what? Can't recall what was the last day reward for Chuck

Place holder as it’s not the final version of the game but a testing one - we won’t sell his mastery pin

over 1 year ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by Nice-Sentence9771

Thank you for the explanation.

However I would like to mention that my friend has discovered a bug that led to him getting the fang mastery pin on his account despite not even owning fang at all.

My theory is that it has to do something with him getting the fang special pin from the godeik 2m subs challenge.

Very obscure bug but I'd recommend looking into it since it's definitely unfair.

he's probably using a mod and putting his account at risk for a weird flex D: