Original Post — Direct link
about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Should I break the news or should you keep theorizing?

about 2 years ago - /u/dani_supercell - Direct link

Originally posted by srmosavi

do it dani, break the news

OK, if you don’t wanna ruin the magic, don’t read it

  • yes, those are real numbers. We run a query every day at 08:30 UTC and it tracks total takedowns per day. We post the results around 9:00.
  • yes, the target was based on the average results from previous weeks, but we increased it a bit more because we assumed players would be more engaged after the announcement (which seems to be happening already)
  • yes, the goal is achievable, but the community engagement still dictates how fast the community gets it
  • why aren’t you just faking it? Because it’s more fun with real numbers. We are actually excited to see it everyday and see how the community is performing

That’s it