4 months ago - Brawl Stars - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hello everyone and it's time to explain
7s and today we are going to talk about is
10s BR becoming paying what's going on with
12s the balance uh how about some economy
15s nerves and Community drama because I
18s know you guys want to hear drama so
19s we'll talk about drama but I'll will
22s follow like a quick script here just so
23s I can uh so everyone understands what
25s they should do when they're watching the
27s podcast if you're watching from YouTube
29s you can jump uh through the chapters so
31s then you can see the questions we are
33s talking about and then they are all in
34s the description so if they want to hear
36s the whole thing just go to the question
38s you want and then tap there uh I also
41s recommend watching in
44s 1.5 really it's it change life changing
47s productivity hack from D yes um and also
51s check the previous podcast because
52s there's a lot of questions we already
54s answered and I saw like the questions
56s that you guys are asking today or like
58s when I post this thing are actually
60s already answered
62s before um but yeah this episode
66s exclusively will have a lot of things on
68s screen you might not want to leisten on
70s Spotify uh so we show a lot of data
73s graphs very fun stuff yes people yeah
76s yeah fun
78s absolutely but today we have familiar
80s faces again we have Jeff game designer
83s of the bring do you want to say hi to
85s then hello yeah that's
88s it then we have Adrian also game
91s designer of the brow te
94s hello and Frank
98s hello I'm not I'm the Untitled yeah you
101s literally have no title I'm janitor and
103s R
105s yeah team
108s lead that's not even My
110s Title Say their wrong title matter
114s doesn't matter the the new title nobody
117s understand we have to explain the whole
119s context no no no no let's not go there
121s let's not go
122s there so why we are want why we want to
126s present those graphs today it's because
128s like uh the problem we believe that we
131s have when we're talking about um game or
134s like what's happening behind the
135s industry is because people or players
137s complain about something that they are
139s experiencing the game but they don't
141s understand the reasoning right or they
142s don't understand the context is has been
145s uh made and uh we I would believe that
149s if any player would spend one week with
152s us they would change their mind it's
154s just because like they would consume so
156s much knowledge of like decisions and
159s discussions and everything so what we
161s want to put here out today is put some
164s context so everything we are talking
166s about will have like um some background
169s so it's not like coming out of just like
171s our wordss or anything everything has
173s like a um a ground uh data to back it up
178s um and then we have like I actually I
181s can already start showing some graphs oh
185s missed opportunity we should have all
186s wore our suits or
187s something there are questions related
190s data and Suits data and Suits
194s so look at this beautiful graph I mean
197s look at some declining moments so here
201s is like our da which means daily active
204s users and you can see like this is like
207s from December to to day I think no
211s actually yesterday yeah yeah yeah
213s yesterday yesterday actually we didn't
215s get
216s the the Sunday and Saturday numbers
220s maybe because then it will be even
222s higher yeah anyway so like here December
225s like we had the BR days we remove boxes
227s it was a big deal in the community but
230s then there was also there was also in
233s the mission the Omega box event oh yeah
235s the Omega box event yeah yeah this is
237s like early
238s December uh
241s 2022 but then you can see our daily
244s active users are rapidly declining right
247s and you can really easy spot spot the
249s trend there until we release the stard
253s drops update and you can see how clear
256s they stop um at least the trend wasn't
259s so harsh right I'd actually underline
262s again like small intermission here but
265s normally what we see in summer is that
268s there's a drop in the auu because people
270s go on vacation believe it or not and so
274s we expected even after the star drops
276s that the numbers would go down probably
278s faster than normally in an update
281s cycle and we were pretty surprised to
283s see that this this graph there became
286s more flat so that's was the first
289s surprise I think so there's still a
291s decline after the update yeah but it's
293s much slower even though we expect
296s expected a steeper decline yeah so I
298s think I think bit a bit counter
300s intuitive right because I think for most
302s games that have a bit older audience you
305s know summer usually means play more
307s games for our audience a lot of people
310s end up playing in school with their
311s friends during school right so H summer
314s actually means they're actually playing
317s braw less because they're not with their
318s friends yeah so even with those
322s uh even with those conditions that would
324s be which should affect us negatively is
327s actually our numbers uh were uh managed
330s to sustain the DU quite uh well um and
334s then we have the hypercharge which was a
337s bit uh controversal update I think the
339s first hyper charge they weren't as
340s exciting as we thought they would be
342s also remove the game modes because like
345s if you see like this trend going down
346s and like your du is um being affected by
349s that removing the game slots that you
352s have would actually in theory would help
355s matchmaking right cuz like then it's
357s more accurate uh it would be faster but
359s then we see like nothing really
361s change and we also see our retention
365s declining
367s so uh like but it's still the numbers
370s weren't as bad as like uh the masteries
372s and the blink uh
374s update uh but then like in the middle of
377s the Season we had this uh shooting star
379s drop event which was basically just um
383s like take down enemies to get St drops
387s um and then we can see there's a Spike
390s that's the legendary uh star drop day
393s but then you can see that after the
394s event ended that like there's nothing
396s else uh to do after the event but then
399s the players stay there so like what we
402s um trying to show here is that the stard
405s drop update it kind of like fixed
407s something on retention like so the
410s players that are coming in to see to
411s experience the game they're staying um
414s and I think yeah it's like the the
416s turning point I think it's how we
419s managed to grow the game again and then
422s you can see the trend from up there like
424s we added Mega Peak chroman no more uh
427s chrom more is event the Broly day is I
429s think that's the mik
431s day or it's either moik or is the sking
434s but I think it's moiko yeah I think so
436s yeah and then from the brought together
438s and on it's like just growing and
441s yesterday we actually was it like the
445s the highest number of players we had
447s since Global or since forever day yeah
450s so like we actually beat our record on a
453s 5-year-old game which is pretty
455s impressive like and this is like in the
457s course of one
458s year so like uh we like we we hear like
464s play uh what people are saying out out
466s there on social media but the changes we
469s are doing are making something with the
471s game right and to have like this uh
474s Ascension in one year for a game that is
477s 5 year old is pretty impressive like I
480s think
481s um like I wouldn't change anything to to
485s to be the place we are now right I
487s wouldn't like maybe I not remove the
489s boxes completely but uh or maybe it di
492s the star drops to replace boxes on that
494s update but um but yeah I think it
497s was for this four months of learning CU
501s we remove the Box we see the results and
502s then we quickly adapt stard drops was
504s not even part of the yearly plan right
507s we added no they were not uh um when we
510s entered the year we had masteries and
512s The Bling update those were planned and
515s we had plans for other updates
518s afterwards but but when we saw that the
521s trend was still going down this is this
524s is like this this graph just shows the
527s the actual daily active players right
529s yeah but what what you can see on this
532s graph is the the retention retention is
535s measured in the games industry in like
537s typically terms like D1 to to D30 D60
541s D90 and the d stands for day and that
544s means how many what is the percentage of
546s people who come in on Day Zero are still
548s sticking around with your game on day
551s one day 30 day 60 day 360 whatever it is
556s and for us day one doesn't mean much
559s that just means you're logging in the
560s day after you came to the game for us
563s what's more important is like the
564s long-term retention the tail the
567s D30 and and that number did not improve
571s in those updates yeah in fact that
573s number from the from before the removal
576s of the mega boxes actually I have this
579s graph here wow oh wow so du doesn't
583s change much but the3 you can see the
586s Ascension uh there as
589s well yeah that is that is you guys
591s didn't even plan
593s that no but he actually he didn't
595s actually saw the the graph so actually
597s yeah he didn't it was a good seg yeah
600s yeah not scripted
603s yeah
605s um but yeah but I still want to go back
608s to this so like there is like a here is
611s Google Trends it's like public so you
613s can actually type brw stars and uh see
616s our results there uh you can see like
619s when we remove boxes it was like a big
621s deal in the industry right because it
623s was a it was reaching outside the bubble
625s like a game that is removing uh boxes or
629s got
630s it's a big deal uh but then the trend
634s kind of like follow pretty much the same
636s as our DU and I to make it clear look at
639s that Frank Frank would be surprised you
640s guys saw already but look at this wow I
644s crossed the
645s graphs
647s wow but then like the what I'm my point
649s is here is that the trend is pretty much
652s similar right you can see like the
654s decline even like the star drop update
656s that there's a small retention
659s Improvement there like it was of course
661s it was more impactful in the game but
663s then you can see the Ascension uh back
666s and of course this is only YouTube so
668s like it's not uh super accurate but you
671s can see that the trends kind of like
673s follow no this graph actually shows the
675s web search not YouTube oh yeah web
677s search yeah Google Trends not uh YouTube
680s I think you know the previous months was
684s really needed for us to kind of look at
686s things and take the learnings and I
689s think one of the conclusions maybe and I
692s think the analogy that I like to use is
694s like you know in Imagine playing diblo
698s and you're the game tells you you're
700s going to get your next legendary drop
703s after killing 10,000 monsters yeah like
706s that feels not that fun right and I
709s think star drop just kind of adds that
712s level of excitement to every game win or
715s every few game wins every day and that's
718s kind of what brings up some of the core
720s retention for the game yeah yeah that's
722s a good call out because I was just
723s explaining what how it what it fix but
727s why did it fix that right yeah yeah it
729s makes like playing every day more
731s rewarding more exciting there's
733s something on uh on the line uh when
736s you're opening your game every
738s day uh should you go like to the
741s questions and then I open the graph when
743s yeah why don't we just look at the da
746s graph one more
748s time pretty graph we are really proud of
750s that achievement by the way it's a
752s pretty graph it's a very pretty graph
754s yeah enough graphs for now uh now let's
758s talk about drama because I know players
760s are so excited about drama right more
762s excited than
764s me my Sizzle
767s sound so recently we had removed a
770s Creator uh code from a Creator because
773s he had leaked no NDA information NDA
776s stands for non-disclosure uh
780s agreement I think so yeah so it's p
784s confidential information
786s basically um but yeah you can take it
789s away yeah I think it's it's like you
792s know it's always a challenging situation
794s um when when we have a situation like
796s this specifically because ultimately
799s it's a breaching the NDA in this case is
801s like a it's a breach of trust that's
803s what it really is uh we have the slack
806s Channel where a lot of the content
808s creators are
810s um the higher you are in the creater
812s program the closer you are to us means
814s you are very much exposed to our work
816s how what we write Etc so you have a lot
818s of
819s context and we give you that context in
822s in this safe space so and to keep it a
826s safe space there needs to be trust if
829s someone is sharing something from the
831s space not necessarily even from us but
833s even from another content creator out of
835s context out there that's a problem uh
838s and then the trust is broken and we have
840s to take some action I think that's a
842s that's a summary of this really yeah and
844s just to add like uh as you said like
846s sharing something out of context to add
849s context to this case so we had already
852s the it was like a a thing about Larry
856s and Lori so we had already The Proposal
858s Nerf publicly to public to then like it
861s was in already in the chat uh and we had
863s said already that we are working on it
865s and then we don't have a date for that
867s and then it was uh when it was question
870s um why is not coming so quickly I
873s responded why it's not happening so
876s quickly like so that all this
877s information was there and even though
879s like so like if you leak something out
880s of context it can create a lot of
882s problem unnecessary problem basically Dr
885s yeah drama yeah um but yeah so in
891s summary we are not firing
896s Adan it's a nice segue what yeah
899s yeah but uh yeah I guess like uh the
903s first question is about balance uh but
905s then we can just like touch on this
907s thing that it becomes like a big deal on
910s the Spanish community and then leaked
911s for other countries as well like don't
914s be don't be this person like first I
917s just show like our da increase which is
920s like something super unique in the
922s industry and he wouldn't have achieved
924s that without ad in the team because like
926s he's not doing like just balancing that
928s character like this creating uh
931s characters creating a game play uh
933s design and everything it's like those
935s numbers that like I don't know which
938s other game has achieved that in the
940s industry in like a in this time period
944s um it's only possible because it's part
947s of the team so we're really happy to
949s have you here Adrian thank you thank I
952s think it's I think it's also really
954s worth pointing out that what you see out
957s there is a a few people like like us um
960s so the community maners of course Adrian
963s is out there willingly so I didn't force
965s him uh Jeff joined these podcast also
969s totally not forced forced me a bit a bit
972s forced a bit forced a bit forced maybe
974s but but I guess what I want to say is
976s like most of us choose to be on social
978s media and so we become the visible faces
981s of the game
983s naturally um and it's not like the
987s people you see on social media are the
989s ones who are executing and doing all the
992s things you think we're doing right the
994s brers team now is 46 people big we're
997s still growing this year we by the end of
998s the year probably be 60 and that's only
1001s the people who are working on it
1002s directly not not to talk about all the
1005s partners we have on the outside um so
1008s like there's never only one person
1010s responsible for one thing it's always a
1012s discussion so Adrian is not by himself
1015s you know sitting at his computer hacking
1017s away on the balancing
1019s um so it's it is a team thing so if you
1023s want to hate it's it's easy to hate on
1025s him because he's out there so he's a
1027s lightning rod but but in in Practical
1030s reality it's never like this there's
1031s multiple people working on balancing
1033s there's multiple people who are working
1035s on every single thing we do so singling
1038s out someone and and unloading you hate
1040s is just not okay and I think I think it
1043s needs to be set out there so it's you
1046s know it's a team thing you can hate on
1047s the team you can disagree on what we're
1049s doing how we're doing it that's fine but
1051s um yeah don't become
1054s personal yeah yeah and then we have a a
1057s good segue for that because the first
1059s question is about balancing from Ash
1061s what I'm really interested in knowing is
1063s how did the dominance of Larry and Lori
1066s affected the game in terms of player
1068s metrix we hear all the negative sides to
1071s it on social media with many players
1072s expressing how they are unable to enjoy
1074s the game but I would like to hear the
1076s other side the positive side for example
1078s did the new brawler boost player
1081s activity it's a good question yeah um
1084s and I think I mean there's many answers
1085s to it but I think the the first and
1087s foremost whenever there's an exciting
1088s broader release and if it's a little bit
1090s on the strong side even too strong
1092s sometimes it will create waves in the
1094s community yeah um doesn't mean we want
1096s to make them strong to make waves there
1099s is a fine line to tow there and I think
1101s it's easy to like it's fine to say at
1103s this point that Larry and Lori
1104s definitely to too strong on release you
1106s know I think we can all agree on that
1108s cuz I think you can achieve the
1110s excitement without you know a ludicrous
1113s power level for sure um but the long
1116s story short this is absolutely there is
1118s waves created whenever we release an
1120s exciting brawler yeah can you maybe say
1122s a word or two on how we're balancing
1123s Brawlers absolutely there's a question
1125s for that maybe okay yeah we can come
1127s back to it we'll get back to it but then
1130s I think like uh like what we call what
1133s we think it's an emergency right
1135s emergency is like when you use a super
1137s jeans super and the game crashes this is
1140s an emergency that's an e cuz you're
1141s preventing the player to play the game
1143s right yes um and then I I was actually
1146s like when Lori and Lai was the the top I
1148s was actually mastering my Mandy I almost
1150s got there like go to with proud um with
1154s pride but
1155s um I was never playing triple lri and
1158s Lori but every match has a lri in mying
1162s and a Lori on the other team it's still
1164s balanced right it's just like because
1166s usually your your own l
1170s sucks wait are you blaming bad randoms D
1173s is this what's happening okay no I
1174s actually got a lot of progress playing
1176s with randoms during the lry and lry
1178s phase so like what I'm saying like I was
1180s at 800 trophies below me nobody was
1183s actually seeing the problems that we see
1185s in social media which Like tripol Larry
1187s and Lori because this is like if you are
1189s above I don't know 900 or a thousand uh
1192s so that's when we think like it's not
1195s affecting most of our players it's only
1197s affecting the the high L engaged players
1200s and they can survive for another week
1204s with this and then also like I don't
1206s think we have a question for that but
1207s usually in maintenance we try to group a
1209s lot of um bugs because we don't want to
1211s have a lot of Maintenance right
1213s maintenance is like shutting down the
1214s game for everyone which means that it's
1217s a big door for the competitors right ah
1220s this game is not working let's play the
1221s other one and then maybe this player is
1223s never coming back so like we want to
1225s minimize maintenance as much as we can
1228s um and then every bug we have is like oh
1232s when for example I think we we discussed
1234s like should we have a maintance for Lori
1236s and Larry but there is nothing else to
1238s fix and like yeah can we like group all
1240s the bugs we can in this uh time frame so
1243s at least we make like more more use of
1245s this maintenance M and that's why
1247s waiting it was not even two weeks it was
1250s one and a half something yeah yeah uh
1254s it's it's fine we everyone can survive I
1257s think there was a a few compounding
1259s issues right so Larry and Lori were
1263s strong too strong and we
1265s agree um now that we have the data it's
1268s easy to say that in hindsight yes um but
1271s at the same time also I mean you saw the
1273s diu graph there yeah so we are what we
1275s are seeing at the moment is is
1277s essentially
1278s unprecedented concurrent users in
1280s broadstar so we we are like you know in
1284s the past we had maybe when we released
1286s Edgar I think we had a a higher number
1288s of concurrent users for one
1291s day um but now for a consistent period
1294s of weeks we are we are coming to the
1297s office and there's more than in the
1299s morning hours Europe and there's more
1301s than a million people online right now
1304s that's the low moments of our game at
1306s the moment and
1308s so so it's like we have to get used as a
1313s team to these numbers as well to a
1314s degree which sounds crazy but it's a
1316s case because we haven't experienced that
1318s in a while and so to make sure that the
1321s servers operate properly for you out
1323s there we we can tweak matchmaking
1326s criteria we can tweak how accurate the
1329s matchmaking is and one of the the
1332s vectors there one of the directions you
1333s can tweak the matchmaking is when you
1337s allow duplicate Brawlers yeah so so
1341s because so many people had Larry and
1343s Lori because it's an epic brother yeah
1345s right so a lot of people got access to
1347s him very early on either in Early Access
1349s of or of course right
1352s afterwards uh before the new braw pass
1354s season
1355s launched and there were just so many
1357s people playing Larry and Lori that
1359s matchmaking was really slow and then we
1363s we reduced the amount of time it needs
1366s until we allow more Brawlers to be
1369s duplicates and and so that fixed the
1372s matchmaking issues so matchmaking was
1375s fast again people could actually play
1377s but on the on the the other side of
1379s course when you already have a strong
1381s brawler and all of a sudden you have
1383s three of them in the enemy team that
1385s doesn't feel great yeah it still was a
1388s problem isolated to maybe the higher
1392s ranks of our players not to everyone
1394s yeah so but it's it's a super difficult
1397s balance to strike for us and um yeah if
1400s we have to decide whether people can
1402s actually play the game or not we will
1404s probably do it again and we would do it
1407s again but not intentionally not
1410s intentionally good to point that yeah
1412s maybe to to kind of expand on it a
1414s little bit like if you think about when
1415s we have a really strong op brawler like
1418s it's actually pretty exciting right like
1420s you tell your friends like oh my God
1421s there's a new brawler and he's like
1422s broken like everybody kind of rushes to
1425s the game to get them to more views the
1427s content right yeah and you can see it
1429s like to answer the question directly
1430s yeah the the metrics did go up right but
1432s imagine playing like you know age of Age
1435s of Empire is probably too old maybe like
1437s Starcraft um
1438s also pretty old pretty old okay
1440s Starcraft 2 like imagine playing that
1443s and like you type in cheats right that's
1445s like really fun but for like an hour
1447s right and it's like ex it's like it's
1449s not in fun anymore right so it's like we
1452s like want brawl stars to grow for many
1455s many years so like we don't we're not
1457s trying to purposefully do this yeah like
1460s hey it happens once in a while and hey
1462s look numbers look good this time but
1464s like we obviously don't want to do it
1466s every single cuz you know what going to
1467s happen
1468s it's not good long term right so when
1470s you say once in a while you know it just
1472s I guess it felt it felt
1475s like I I mean I I I think it's fair to
1479s say that Charlie was too strong yes for
1481s sure so so we we went from Charlie to
1485s moik the kid the kid but K moiko is okay
1489s moik is fine m moiko is okay because
1491s people haven't figured out how to play
1493s him yet yeah he also had the power
1495s scaling issue in Showdown so yeah anyway
1498s so but the stuff are bugs but yeah
1500s there's there's a mix of circumstances
1502s but we're going to talk more about we
1504s balance in a different question um soba
1508s back to the road map you are also
1510s working on social tools will you put put
1512s something like braw Star China like a a
1515s playroom I guess social Lobby is how we
1517s call it yeah it's how is it how do they
1519s call it it's social Lobby no they're not
1521s calling it it's it's the the dev name
1524s the valley of stars no like I know I'm
1526s Chinese guys but I don't
1529s know you're the only person here can can
1532s make that joke
1534s um do you want to answer should I answer
1536s yeah I mean yeah I could take a stab at
1539s it and okay go do it um so yeah I think
1543s I think we looked at it we thought about
1546s a lot on the team because you know it
1547s sounds really cool like hey what if you
1549s know there's a lot of Pros with it and I
1553s think there's two things like one thing
1555s is like to do it right like it just
1557s takes a ton of time and resources to do
1560s it right and you know that competes with
1563s everything else we want to do every two
1565s months right and then two is like I
1567s don't actually know we had like a really
1570s confident design going in right so it's
1572s like hey when given like we don't have a
1574s confident design and and plus it's like
1576s a pretty highrisk like huge cost thing
1579s like hey let's kind of put it on the
1581s back burner for now I that was that was
1583s my my general ju just imagine like we
1586s are half of the death team is working on
1589s this for half a
1591s year so so whatever else we could do in
1594s that six-month period that is
1597s potentially cooler will take precedent
1600s yeah we we the we're really glad with
1603s our partners over there in China um
1605s because they tried it out obviously and
1607s we were also able to see some data and
1609s on the first day the data looked amazing
1612s a lot of people engaged with this a lot
1614s of people wanted to go in the lobby take
1617s screenshots
1618s but uh that lasted two three days and
1621s then the numbers came down and I think
1624s for us that was also like hey we cannot
1626s just have a room where you can take
1628s pictures and have a chat because like
1631s that's just not good enough and not cool
1633s enough either and then to make it really
1636s cool well the effort is just going up
1639s exponentially yeah and yeah as as as
1642s Jeff said it's like are we confident in
1644s our design are we confident that this is
1646s a really cool thing we want to invest
1648s half a year
1650s into and the answer for us is no it's
1654s not so it's not in our it's not in the
1656s we actually considered this for the next
1658s summer yeah
1660s yeah we thought about we thought about
1663s fishing the idea is not dead fishing is
1666s not dead guys fishing is not
1668s dead comment below this video if you
1670s like fishing
1672s hashish fish no time to fish yeah yeah
1675s yeah but I I think the idea is like the
1677s ideas don't go away and they right so so
1679s it's definitely there in the back of our
1681s minds and as a concept to improve social
1684s like a give a social to our players to
1686s express themselves I think that's still
1688s what we want to do right abely
1690s absolutely but I guess when we're when
1692s we are now talking about socialist more
1694s about are we doing a good enough job
1697s yeah with like our existing social
1699s features like inviting a friend inviting
1701s someone who's not your friend yet how do
1703s you become a friend uh and then how how
1706s is it to play with each other and stuff
1708s like that so I think the the lobby is
1710s just one angle yeah and there's many
1713s angles yeah totally like brawls actually
1716s like a super social game not in like the
1718s traditional you know like World of
1719s Warcraft sense but you know you you a
1722s lot of times when you're playing brawl
1724s in person with someone that's like the
1725s most fun right oh yeah for sure all
1728s together yeah hashtag yeah yeah totally
1731s and you know like there's so many
1734s different small things we can do to just
1735s improve that like connecting players in
1737s the game for sure question from
1741s Spen I would love to hear your thoughts
1744s on Early Access the community is getting
1745s worried that is still pay to win
1747s especially if the BR is UN nerfed in due
1749s time AIT and lri uh what are the pros
1753s and cons of nerfing our brother during
1755s Early
1756s Access should I take this one do you
1759s want to take this one I don't know
1760s anyway you can talk on the B I can talk
1762s the ballot inside yeah um so a big thing
1766s when we have Early Access Brawlers and
1769s we get for example because a lot of when
1771s we do balancing we look at data a lot
1773s and when we have Early Access usually
1775s what happens is the more engaged players
1778s will buy the offer so the better players
1780s will play the brawler and the win rates
1783s for example are skewed much higher than
1785s on on normal release so basically the
1787s first week of data is usually extremely
1790s unreliable um when it comes to balancing
1792s specifically and that's that's of course
1794s tricky because yes we might think that
1796s okay that might actually be op but we
1799s can't say for sure because we can't
1801s trust the specific set of data um so
1804s that's that's a big big problem with
1806s Early Access when it comes to balancing
1808s and then um so that's you know a con of
1812s Early Access nerfing and of course you
1814s know it feels as well like okay if we
1818s don't know what to do let's say within
1823s that week Based on data should we take a
1825s stab in the dark probably not because
1827s then we could go the other way very
1829s easily right like we've made that
1830s mistake sometimes where you know
1832s Brawlers is really op and then we over
1834s Nerf them for example mhm and then let's
1836s say we do that in the pre-release week
1839s every
1841s podcast every podcast and then if we do
1845s that in the pre-release week when the
1846s brawler is then actually released then
1849s it's already basically Dead on Arrival
1850s there's no more excitement it's like oh
1852s well this brawler is not that exciting I
1854s feel really weak playing this brawler um
1856s so it's really risky to do but yeah I
1858s could go on and on about this one but
1859s yeah maybe some other yeah thoughts on
1861s it say yeah I I was just going to say
1864s like I think the tricky thing is like we
1866s we do want new Brawlers to be like fun
1869s and good right like sure they are like
1872s on the I guess you know the top tiers of
1877s the power power curve and I think that's
1879s the hard part right like how do we get
1881s them to feel strong but not broken yeah
1885s and also a lot of times like you know in
1887s any competive game when you rebalance
1889s something like you you have to give time
1890s for The Meta to settle right obviously
1892s you know lnl was Prett pretty you know
1895s way way too strong but like a lot of
1896s times you might find somebody might find
1899s a counter to it you know yeah a month in
1902s and then all of a sudden they rotate out
1903s of the meta like that happens really
1904s often yeah I think Chuck that like
1906s because Chuck Nerf wasn't like a big
1908s deal right I think was only the super
1910s that we nerfed yeah so that you
1913s basically don't spawn with super yeah
1915s and basically now like he's still good
1917s in Heist and Hot Zone but it's not like
1920s if someone pick Chuck you're like oh my
1922s God what I'm going to do now like you
1924s don't lose the game it's like okay can
1927s adapt he's an N pick but but he also can
1930s be counted right yeah yeah and I think
1933s uh Maisy which I think on release she
1935s was good uh like maybe the attack was
1937s like a bit too slow and then there is
1939s like the the gadget that was do dodging
1942s backwards yeah um she was good but
1946s nobody cared yeah because she was just
1949s good she was not even like weak right
1951s she was just good she was she was good
1953s she was above average by far and I think
1954s we changed those things we made the
1956s attack a bit faster and then change the
1958s gadget and then she was good for a while
1960s but nobody was caring about then
1962s suddenly out of nowhere she like oh my
1963s God she's so she's so strong she's op
1966s and we didn't do anything yeah yeah yeah
1969s but that's how it works you know Meta
1970s Meta changes yeah and as I was like
1973s going through the questions I saw a
1975s funny topic because like we already
1977s answer that we try to release Bowlers on
1979s the strong side rather than weak because
1981s if release on weak it's like very hard
1983s to recover uh this browler popularity
1986s but then a player was challenging us
1988s like saying ah but that's not true look
1990s at Carl like Carl is not popular at all
1994s yeah he's he's like he's really like on
1996s the bottom 10 or pretty much makes me
1999s sad I love Carl yeah it's like your main
2001s here's like the
2003s main so yeah like we can see data we can
2005s see the popularity through like Pi rides
2007s Wing rides and everything so cwl
2011s unfortunately I'm sorry Jeff he not up
2013s trying to bribe Adrian every day like
2016s hey can you take a look at Carl even
2018s when when even when Carl was op he
2020s wasn't popular right when we changed the
2023s the speed of the projectile not too much
2025s I mean it goes in waves right like when
2026s when he was the most OP he's been then
2029s yes he was like yeah on the top echon of
2032s like all the Brawlers but he wasn't like
2033s number one I think at any point of time
2037s but it's hard to recover from that yeah
2039s it's not like again going a little bit
2041s deeper on the topic it's not like we are
2044s trying to get Brawlers which have an 80%
2047s win rate yes that's not the goal exactly
2050s but when we're saying leaning on the
2052s stronger side then it's probably you
2054s know there shouldn't be under 50% win
2056s rate for sure yeah so it's basically a
2058s range between 50 to about 55 Max 60 if
2061s it's over 60 then that's an issue yeah
2063s um that's like if you want to go
2065s absolute numbers that's kind of how we
2067s look at it yeah and of course that means
2068s in some gamees they might overperform it
2070s in other gamees they might underperform
2073s yeah and that's okay we talked in the
2074s past about this as well yeah good you
2078s want to say something oh yeah no I think
2080s I think you said it in the last podcast
2082s already but like I think the tricky part
2084s is also like we do look at the top
2088s ranking like you know Mythic and above
2091s and low rankings and you kind of have to
2093s balance for everyone right y so that's
2095s that's the tricky part for sure for sure
2099s then talking about balancing steel uh
2101s Power couple gaming they ask could you
2103s tell us a bit more about how your play
2105s testing process work for new Brawlers
2107s hypercharge Etc sure um thinking about
2111s how I should do a short version of this
2113s but yeah anyway so um let's say we do a
2115s brawler we start with an idea uh anyone
2118s can have an idea but let's say we have
2119s an idea for let's say we want to make an
2120s assassin okay so we basically sketch out
2123s the brawler kit on paper like it should
2125s do this okay and then we basically start
2128s with an early prototype so okay we
2129s implemented into the game maybe it looks
2131s like another braw maybe it looks like
2132s Edgar but it has different abilities
2134s right like before all the art comes in
2136s before all the visuals and stuff just so
2138s we can feel how do the abilities feel um
2141s and then we start Play testing it
2142s internally with quite a few people um
2145s also externally we also use a fair bit
2147s of external testing and then eventually
2149s once we get a little bit more polish
2151s it's like okay we need to iterate on
2152s this maybe this attack should be little
2155s bit more like this eventually we have a
2157s kind of cohesive brawler and then we can
2159s send it to for example creators and pro
2161s players and so forth that then kind of
2163s do the last evaluation when we still
2165s have time to make changes before it's
2167s released to actual players so it goes
2169s through many pairs of eyes like Frank
2171s said it's not me sitting in a cave
2173s doodling away it goes through many he's
2175s also doing that but yeah just sitting in
2177s the
2178s cave but yeah it goes through many
2180s people um a lot of people have a say in
2183s what goes in what should be changed what
2186s they like what they don't like
2187s um and then we try to come to a
2189s conclusion of okay this is a fun strong
2191s enough not too strong kind of end goal
2194s and that goes the same for Brawlers
2196s hyperchargers Gad star Powers basically
2199s yeah and one thing uh we will try now we
2203s will have an extra play test with uh
2205s content creators we won't name them so
2209s like content creators instead uh but
2212s then it's like it's going to be a
2213s separate play test so like we can at
2214s least have like a a more uh
2217s wait that sounds like a great
2219s idea I'm just kidding it's going to
2221s happen no but no no like naming them
2225s yeah so we can just deflect yeah of
2227s course of course of course uh but yeah
2229s so like of course like a lot of I happen
2232s there but no uh test is going to be as
2235s good as a million more than a million
2237s player playing the same brawler over and
2239s over over like Millions interactions and
2242s everything right yeah yeah I think I
2244s think it's
2245s like there's l Lally hundreds of matches
2248s being played with our
2250s partners
2252s um sometimes they get it dry and
2254s sometimes they don't and also after the
2256s content creators had a weekend or so
2258s with the
2259s Brawlers
2261s um you would be surprised how often they
2263s are completely wrong when they try to
2265s estimate the power of a brawler in real
2267s circumstances so we've seen the whole
2269s range so it's it's really like nothing
2273s is like the real deal out there of of
2276s having Brothers being played by millions
2279s of people every day I mean like you
2283s you've probably seen some of the stats
2285s I've posted recently but but it's not an
2287s exaggeration that there's you know in in
2290s some minutes this weekend there were
2291s hundreds of thousand matches within 60
2294s seconds and it's
2296s like so the the data we're getting is
2299s just much much more reliable yeah I
2302s guess fundamentally at the end of the
2303s day I think what's important for us um
2306s is that we want to make it right I guess
2310s that's what it boils down to like if
2313s something is too strong we will make it
2314s right we might not do it tomorrow
2317s depending on what we need to do you like
2318s when is the next maintenance when does
2319s it make sense how urgent is this but at
2322s the end of the day we are looking to
2325s have a balanced game not a game with
2326s many op Brawlers in different flavors
2329s let's put it that way and then how Larry
2331s was released is not how we want it right
2334s we want him to be strong and then he was
2335s okay for and then kit I think he was
2337s mostly strong because of the bugs yeah
2340s and that's that can happen as well yeah
2342s but again those are fixed and then yeah
2347s then I can't read his name inam inam
2351s Lain okay uh Star Park CCTV was loved by
2356s the community and followed with interest
2358s to put it bluntly we waited for the new
2361s code as if you were waiting for the new
2363s episode of an exciting series will this
2365s continue
2371s not maybe the in the same format and to
2374s be very transparent I don't think we
2376s have anything planned like we want we
2379s have desires we have Ambitions we have
2381s plans hopes and dreams yeah yeah ideas
2384s Brewing yeah but we also take learnings
2387s from those marketing activities as well
2389s right like we probably will do something
2391s different this time even though this was
2393s quite uh exciting and then I L seeing
2396s see like random people on Reddit saying
2398s discovering it for the first time like
2400s 30 days after it was on like hey guys
2402s have you seen this yeah I love it really
2406s cool uh
2408s santic can we just get an update with
2410s quality of life sorry maybe maybe just
2412s one comment on that I remember somebody
2415s I for I forget but it was like maybe
2417s Somebody's Daughter they were telling us
2419s the story that like she opened it and
2422s you know found the camera thing and had
2424s the screen transition and she was like
2426s running around freaking out I feel like
2429s yeah like those are like the moments
2431s like you know we're trying to create
2433s right like that's that magic moment yeah
2435s yeah for sure
2437s absolutely uh santic can we get an
2440s update with just quality of life changes
2442s I think it's about time in like in the
2444s past like in the past because of the
2447s amount of bugs we currently have in the
2449s game with so many brers the UI might
2451s also need some changes just improving
2453s many small things like PowerPoint skip
2456s well sneak peig fixed it was a buck by
2459s the way like we accidentally introduced
2462s it like why would we want to make that
2465s unskippable no we we want to on that
2468s PowerPoint screen Rd is growing too fast
2472s we need something guys slow them down
2474s yeah I think it's like it's it's one of
2478s these um it's a big topic on the team
2480s actually how we balance quality of life
2482s versus the bigger
2484s features and we've made a decision while
2487s ago that we want to focus on like every
2490s update we focus on one bigger thing that
2493s might not always be a bigger thing for
2496s you guys sometimes it might be a bigger
2499s thing on the back end side of
2501s things um and at the same time the rest
2503s of the time we will spent on smaller
2506s things and some of these smaller things
2508s are pretty cool like wi streaks wi
2511s streaks yeah that's maybe the the
2513s coolest example of recent times and
2516s we're planning to do more small things
2518s like that as well um maybe it's also a
2521s good moment to quickly again I mentioned
2523s already we're growing the
2525s team uh we're also growing the team
2527s because we have a longer and longer
2529s growing list of quality of life changes
2531s we would like to do um so if you're a
2534s programmer out
2536s there
2538s C++ we need you started recruit we're
2541s hiring any opportunity we're totally
2543s hiring I like it yeah love it shamess oh
2546s my
2548s will just receive those industry people
2549s they're watching us you know that's true
2551s that's true yeah I mean I think like
2552s everybody on the team has like high
2554s quality bar right like we have high
2555s quality bars and it's like super painful
2558s just you know we have backlogs on
2561s backlogs of things that we want to
2562s improve like there's no running out of
2564s those it's just like we kind of like
2566s Frank said like we have to prioritize
2569s the new the fun the exciting that's most
2571s important yes you know and if we can try
2574s to get to the Quality life stuff we try
2575s to get it
2577s you know when when can but yeah we we
2580s it's super painful watching those sit
2582s there from update to update y but um
2586s yeah uh next question uh from Dev uh how
2590s old how are old excl exclusive skins
2593s recaller performing in the game now we
2595s just recaller like clo sking or change
2598s recallers like hood hood Chell scheme
2601s more successful mhm I don't have data so
2605s the data is in my head
2610s um it's it's a great question I I think
2613s the the the easiest answer is like if
2616s the original skin was popular the
2619s recolor is popular yeah and that's
2622s that's true for the more heavy reworks
2625s like hudo Chelly for
2628s example but it's also true for ferocious
2631s Fang which is a furious Fang rework and
2635s that was just a recolor
2637s so so I think if anything the and the
2641s Lola skin by the way was not super
2643s popular the recolor but the original was
2646s also not super popular
2649s so so yeah I I guess what I'd like to
2652s say is that we we will probably keep
2654s doing both the heavier reworks and
2656s regular
2657s recolors but you should expect us to do
2660s more of the just recolors especially for
2663s popular skins from the past which are
2665s not long available yeah
2667s I think that just makes it accessible
2668s for many more people CU also there is
2671s the workload part right of course like
2673s maybe who Chell perform better because
2675s it's almost like a completely new skin
2677s it's just inspired by the same team um
2680s so like it also takes a lot more effort
2682s to rebuild the skin from the scratch or
2684s like a redo a lot of things than just
2687s recoloring the skin like for example
2689s Fang we know it's already performing
2691s well like we can just swap the colors
2693s and then it will perform uh well again
2696s as for I guess H who Chell was actually
2699s it was more an experiment right yeah
2701s yeah yeah it was an experiment the other
2702s one and and there might be more like
2704s that in the future but but we are we are
2707s basically we promised the community to
2710s not bring skins back which which we
2713s honor yeah but at the same time this
2715s allows people who did not get that
2717s original skin to get it so we're not
2719s expecting people who have the original
2720s skin to say hey this is so amazing I
2723s want to buy this yeah it's it's really
2725s not the case it's it's it's about
2727s enabling people who didn't have the
2729s chance to buy the original one without
2731s breaking our promise so that was a
2733s compromise and I guess we can you know
2736s again you don't have to agree with our
2737s philosophy there it's it's just what we
2741s think is the right course of action
2743s yeah from Ready Set um one of our
2748s casters for Esports yeah nice guy nice
2751s guy monetization uh could you explain
2754s how revenue from progression Stacks up
2756s against against revenue from Cosmetics
2758s that's one question and explain how
2760s freebies affect the F2 uh free-to-play
2763s economy with data
2765s please I actually I forgot the data for
2767s the one but you can add later so like we
2769s can we can talk and we can show on the
2771s screen I can only sure I can only talk
2775s for the the distribution probably
2779s changed with a new broad pass M before
2782s the brw pass the brw pass rework the
2785s distribution was about 8 20 in favor of
2787s progression okay progression then it
2790s means brawler Brawlers and power levels
2793s and and all of that stuff coins
2795s everything everything regarded to make
2797s your brawler stronger and the Brawlers
2799s themselves uh or credits that's all
2803s progression and cosmetics everything
2805s else and progression uh sorry the the
2807s Cosmetic part is varying a lot depending
2809s on how popular the Skins are of course
2812s and do we have a 299 gem skin or not and
2814s stuff like that so so so yeah it's
2817s heavily leaning towards
2819s progression and this is like in a
2822s perfect world it would be different I
2825s think we all agree in the team that we
2827s would love to have more weight on the
2830s Cosmetic side and we keep going to
2832s experiment with different formats for
2834s that in the
2835s future um but on the other side it's
2838s just like the way brawl was created as a
2841s game doesn't lean itself that easily
2844s into cosmetic items because there's only
2846s so much space to to express yourself
2848s with a skin in Brawl we're trying to you
2851s know improve that constantly but but
2853s it's
2854s still yeah yeah I think it has moved
2858s like more towards cosmetics in recent
2860s times yeah and I think that's kind of
2862s what we want to do yeah um and then the
2865s second part of the are you want to still
2868s talk about the no no the second part is
2870s how freebi affect the free play
2874s economy um with data please Jeff I don't
2877s I don't have the data I don't even know
2879s yeah we can we can put it up later I
2881s think like do you think there is
2883s something we can show because I yeah we
2884s can show like the coin coin graph I
2886s think that's a good proxy like because
2888s you know when we do freebies and stuff
2891s we that's what we kind of keep an eye on
2893s right um I think you know when I think
2896s the biggest event we did was chromal
2900s more where we gave away a ton of because
2902s you can kind of Stack The Double XP you
2905s can stack the the token doublers at the
2907s time and you get the coin sh so you're
2909s getting like I don't know I think you
2911s could have gotten like 10,000 coins in
2913s the event or or more right it was a lot
2916s I forget the math but um so yeah we we
2918s we take a look at that but at the same
2920s time maybe I know there's conversations
2922s on more economy stuff later later but we
2925s do keep that in mind right like yes you
2927s know things like Club League got nerfed
2929s and we took a lot of that away but we
2932s you know give all that back and and braw
2934s pass and a lot more with like like
2936s community events and other events and
2938s other feebs we do right so I guess to
2941s answer the question it does um but
2943s ultimately like we're trying to give
2946s players the right amount of things so
2949s you feel like the gamer is rewarding and
2952s ultimately you want to continue to play
2953s more it's a super fine balance yeah it's
2956s it's like
2958s between so Jeff touched on it it's
2962s about giving players the feeling of
2965s progression even if you're free to
2967s play and on the other side this is a
2971s business so so not
2973s removing the desire for people to
2976s support the game with
2978s cash right so if if you're overdoing one
2982s side over the other then we don't have a
2985s base to sustain the game so
2988s whenever there's a again the terminology
2991s from from from freet to-play
2993s specifically games is it's called
2996s conversion rate so it's like the the
2999s more generous you are within the game
3003s the the lower your conversion rate
3006s because if if nobody feels like they
3008s have to spend anything to progress FAS
3010s on the game well you will have less
3013s people supporting you that's that's what
3015s it is um especially in freeto playay
3018s games it's pretty important that we
3020s create a desire to spend because you
3023s know we're not getting any upfront money
3025s for the service we're providing so it's
3027s it's really a fine balance but yeah
3030s again we want free to-play players
3031s having fun in the
3033s game but there there's just limits it's
3036s it needs to be a good balance and we're
3037s balancing that in the background by
3039s looking at things like retention and and
3041s how fast people progress and what we
3043s think is the ideal speed of
3047s progression as measured by how long
3049s people are sticking around and and I
3052s think like the ideal scenario for a game
3055s to profit all like for us what we want
3057s would be that every single player pays a
3060s very little bit right because then it
3062s doesn't demand a lot from One Singular
3066s player um so that's why like every time
3068s like we we make freet to-play
3071s economy more what is it the word
3074s generous generous yeah we yeah we we are
3079s hurting or we could hurt a a a future
3084s conversion right we could hurt a future
3086s payer to buy something and then we
3088s actually have data yay to show what uh
3093s the
3094s conversion cuz like it's also growing
3097s and you can see like this means that
3099s like of course like we're monetizing
3100s more because there is more players but
3103s it's not also heavily on whales which is
3106s like what people keep asking about right
3108s are you like yeah we don't we don't we
3110s don't call our players mammals
3113s yeah yeah yeah and you know it's that's
3116s kind of what we focus on right like we
3118s focus on converting players but we're
3121s not focused on trying to extract as much
3123s money as we can off of a single player
3125s like that's not the goal yeah I I I do
3128s think I saw a few comments making it
3131s like heavy payer heavy yeah but it's
3134s quite the opposite right now since we
3136s introduced the new brawl pass the the
3139s the the base of payers is much wider
3142s than it was before so more people spend
3144s something not the heavy Spenders are
3147s spending significantly more if anything
3149s they might actually spend less yeah cuz
3151s actually the new pass it offer more yes
3155s yeah it's offer More For Less right you
3156s should buy just the yeah better value
3159s yeah you get way better value now yeah
3161s thanks
3162s Jeff no I mean like I mean I think I
3165s think it's like I think the results are
3167s like just kind of really much better for
3169s us long term
3171s right I also would like to touch on on
3174s one one thing that's maybe slightly
3175s connect connected and sometimes a
3177s misconception when people look for
3178s example at the early exess Brawlers and
3181s they're like why would I spend 15 bucks
3183s on on Larry and Lori right okay there
3187s was some extra value there it was 5x off
3189s I think yeah but people are still like
3192s why would I spend that if I can get it
3194s uh at the end of the braw pass season
3196s pretty much for free when when the brawl
3198s pass resolves and things get autoc
3199s claimed or I can get it at least if I
3202s got the the the basic premium pass and
3205s the previous update cycle and and that's
3208s completely okay we we're happy if that's
3210s how you think yeah it's like the the for
3214s us it's about offering a range of
3217s offers suited to your needs and for some
3221s of you that's hey I don't have any
3224s disposable income I can spend on my
3226s favorite game that's fine then maybe ETS
3229s I com in your way uh in some regions
3232s that's already the case we're
3233s experimenting with ads and you were get
3235s some extra stuff there in some some
3239s people have like you know five six bucks
3243s every month they can spend on their
3244s favorite game and you should get
3246s something valuable for
3248s that and so with our new structure I
3251s think we are we're tailoring better to
3254s individual needs and and and people like
3257s while sustaining the game so in our
3260s heads Early Access is like a a good way
3264s to allow people who have more disposable
3266s income to get something extra without
3269s bloating the game without bloating the
3271s game with new systems yeah or you know
3273s like oh power level 12 looks really
3275s sweet over there but but do we have
3278s other means and other levers to to make
3281s things happen and the Early Access is is
3284s basically harming no
3285s one but it's it's helping us to support
3288s the game in better ways than we could
3291s before and again if if you are spending
3294s $6.99 or 999 on the brw pass and that's
3298s everything you spend fantastic I hope I
3301s hope you're enjoying your purchase and I
3303s hope you feel it's giving you the value
3304s for that it is but if you are if you are
3308s like an adult in your 30s and you have
3311s more disposable income than
3313s time then why why wouldn't we offer you
3316s to get early access to you know even you
3320s know get get the tears of the brawl pass
3322s for all I know to to unlock all the
3324s things I think that's complet really
3325s cool because we all have different needs
3328s and different pockets as you grow old
3330s you you get more money but you have less
3333s time tell me something or less of both
3337s yeah that's only you because of you no
3339s I'm
3340s not yeah maybe maybe philosophically I
3342s think monetization is like I think the
3346s pH philosophical check is like hey is
3348s this purchase making the game even more
3350s fun for you right like we're not in the
3353s business of like trying to
3354s psychologically trick you into buying
3356s something and then you regret it later
3358s right like we want our players to stick
3359s with us for years you know so it's it's
3362s always about like hey we want to sell
3365s something that's going to make the game
3366s even more fun yeah I I remember reading
3369s one of the one comment related to that
3371s because I think on kit kit was like 29
3374s 28 kit yeah I think was more expensive I
3378s think it was $
3379s 39.99 34 something so I don't know yeah
3383s 34 years I think it
3386s $29 and then someone was saying like I
3388s can buy a tripa game for that and then
3390s someone comment like I spend I'd spend
3393s nothing in this game and I play for like
3394s two 2,000 hours like braw stars yeah I
3398s just like play Spider-Man great game by
3399s the way I not call it Spider-Man is a
3402s great game but I spent like 69 I think
3404s is the release price I beat it in 20
3406s hours never touch it again yeah like
3409s there is like a it's not this black and
3411s white price comparison like how much fun
3413s we have with this product yeah yeah
3415s great game Spider-Man by the way I don't
3417s want
3417s to love Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 was
3420s amazing yeah and it's not like we want
3422s to like lock most of the fun behind some
3426s P wall right like if you're a free
3427s to-play player you get like dozen two
3430s dozen Brawlers really quickly unlocked
3432s you can probably get a bunch of level
3434s 11s in you know in a couple of days
3436s couple of weeks right and you're pretty
3438s much competitive and Le it was really
3440s awesome like I I started a new
3441s free-to-play
3442s account um a week after the new Bro pass
3446s season
3447s started and when uh Larry and Lori were
3451s released um after the early ex's I had
3455s enough credits to get them like the day
3458s later I think that felt really cool yeah
3462s yeah um and I I put him actually to
3464s power n the same day as a free toplay oh
3468s nice he's very he was he's already
3471s powerful at part one at One release
3473s actually I I unlocked him
3476s and then I forgot upgrade him and like
3478s uh they realized during the match but I
3480s still won but you know the star power on
3483s the gadget lle yeah doesn't work yeah
3489s anyway so Gabe asked how do you guys see
3493s power points inside the game players
3495s from the early game have too much gold
3497s no players from the early game have too
3500s much gold and almost not wait yes yes
3502s yes continue right continue players from
3504s the early game have too much gold and
3506s almost no power points but in the late
3507s game there's an excess okay amount of
3509s power points and no gold do you guys
3512s plan some type of change for this
3514s currency in the game or it's
3517s okay it's all yours Jeff Oh I thought
3520s you were going to show a graph ah I want
3522s to show a graph yeah yeah well but the
3523s graph won't help
3528s you yeah I think I think when we kind of
3530s looked at everything um we did want to
3534s make
3535s upgrading many many Brawlers to power 11
3538s take time right that we do we want that
3540s to be true for for reasons we talked
3542s about earlier
3544s and we didn't want PowerPoints to be the
3547s reason for that so we were really
3548s generous on PowerPoints that's why you
3550s know the only game thing maybe that's
3552s just a randomization thing from from
3554s Star drops um but in the late game yeah
3558s we we didn't want power points to be an
3559s issue everybody should just have an
3561s abundant amount of power points but
3563s coins on the other hand like there
3565s there's also more syncs for coins right
3567s there's you got to buy all kinds of
3568s different you can buy two star Powers if
3571s you like if you need the optionality
3572s right um
3574s so so yeah I mean that is how the game
3577s is balanced right now it's a maybe it's
3580s a little bit off we have to take a look
3581s at it and think about it um but it's not
3585s like far off from from the intention
3586s right like it's not like we're like we
3589s want players to just have an abundant
3591s amount of power points like you should
3593s just have that that shouldn't be like a
3594s point of friction but yeah for for coins
3597s like yeah it does take time to earn and
3599s especially if you want optionality
3600s different different star powers
3602s different gadgets right like yeah it's
3604s going to take time investment yeah I
3606s think like uh but uh then I I think this
3609s graph show it's keeps growing right so I
3612s think maybe in the future it could be a
3614s problem but also like I want to mention
3616s that we remove the cap because it was a
3619s mechanic that we we don't want people to
3621s abuse or like the like you shouldn't try
3624s to
3625s use the system to get more coins because
3627s of this cap right this is like a bad
3629s design so that's why remove the cap yeah
3631s that's that's one reason but also like
3633s you know with any kind of currency
3635s design like we want a currency to be
3637s there and you should naturally want to
3639s spend it like we were H we were kind of
3641s like ham like for forcing you like no
3644s you can't get anymore go spend it first
3646s right like that feels bad so it's like
3648s hey just not have that like you should
3650s just have natural reasons to want to
3651s spend it and like I think yeah it's
3653s growing right now
3655s obviously but like the current level is
3658s like you know around 1300 1400 like like
3661s 10 to 11 is like, 1400 so that's
3663s actually like pretty much around where
3665s we want it to be yeah maybe we can
3667s explain what the Q50 means and yeah
3669s that's like 50th percentile like
3672s somewhere near median right so that's
3674s like the median player not the average
3677s player yeah um but yeah that's that's
3680s around the can you explain the
3681s difference between median and average
3683s yeah like well mathematically
3685s averag is when you take everybody and
3687s you divide it right median is like you
3688s look at the whole set and you look at
3690s the people in the middle um so so yeah I
3694s think that's around where we want it to
3695s be but obviously if it keeps growing
3697s then then we'll take a look at things
3698s and and rebalance it I think it's safe
3700s to say
3701s that there's
3704s a something to be done for endgame
3707s players who
3709s have PowerPoints for years like myself
3715s um it's it's like again it's like we we
3719s hear that of course being said on
3720s socials and we hear it being set like
3723s from Pro players content creators
3726s because for them it's true but for the
3729s majority of our players it's not true so
3731s it's a it's a problem for some few
3733s people and I would like to make the
3736s argument that whatever currency we have
3738s whatever structures we have in place
3741s there will always be an
3743s end there's like you will always hit a
3745s wall somewhere because there's nothing
3746s else to buy in the game nothing else to
3748s upgrade and that is I think we talked in
3751s the past about that when we talked about
3752s Fame a little it's like if you have a
3755s maxed
3756s account like yes there's there's
3761s Fame and we will see like there was one
3764s of the discussions in the team if we
3765s should you know in the past with the
3767s chroma credits we allowed them to be
3769s transferred to fame for
3771s example um it is a very much an endgame
3774s problem to have too much
3776s Powerpoints and we cannot release as
3778s many broers as we wanted but eventually
3780s there will be maybe something else for
3782s PowerPoints who
3783s knows yeah yeah I think the the idea is
3785s always like you know we know PowerPoints
3787s is there we have ideas for future
3790s features like maybe that's something we
3792s lean into and use right like so so yeah
3795s it's it's it's on our minds yeah Brewing
3798s ideas yeah and I think in the in the
3800s previous podcast that you were someone
3802s suggested to use like how about don't
3803s you use the just uh PowerPoints for
3806s brawler progression and then coins is
3807s everything else but then like you
3809s actually answer in the podcast but
3811s people don't don't quote that part but
3814s then you said like to restructure the
3816s whole system to make it happen it's like
3818s would be a lot of time consumed from the
3821s from us that would wouldn't make any
3823s difference in the end just like just
3825s change the system like using this time
3828s for that and uh preventing us from
3830s creating something more fun it's like
3832s because it's not an easy change right
3834s like let's say we change from the
3835s economy now like it has to kind of like
3838s rebalance the whole economy if you like
3840s remove the coin out of the dollar
3842s progression so it's have to yeah it's
3845s also like from a balancing standpoint
3847s right it's always better to have
3849s multiple levels instead of one yeah MH
3852s the moment there just one currency you
3854s only have this one level so you can give
3856s more or less of this one currency but um
3859s having having two currencies is doubling
3863s our opportunities with balancing yeah
3865s for the economy so it's like it's the
3867s same with everything a game design you
3869s want to have as many possibilities to
3871s balance a single
3872s thing
3874s yeah next question Moonlight
3879s BS uh any plans on adding more ping
3881s slots to the game with more pings being
3883s added to the game into the game it's a
3886s fe how many players in the community
3887s have been asking
3889s for
3891s yes no let's give more context like uh
3894s it's something we have I mentioned this
3897s quality of life backlock and and this is
3900s one of the things our especially Gonzalo
3902s shout out to Gonzalo is creating he and
3905s his uh Army of good artists no there's
3909s there's more people there's more people
3911s than him working on this yeah but he has
3913s an an army of people working on all
3915s those cool assets which are the pins and
3918s the the sprays and the profile pictures
3921s and and he's probably for a year already
3923s in like hey
3925s can we somehow allow people to use more
3927s of the pins yeah yeah and we agree so
3929s there's no disagreement here we all in
3931s agreement we will make it happen we just
3933s don't have a date yeah not in the next
3935s update no absolutely
3938s not to
3941s date sorry to shut it like we we will
3944s try to make it happen we just don't know
3946s when yeah uh toast my question would be
3951s how do you guys plan on addressing
3952s trophy inflation
3957s what trophy
3958s inflation for the top players I guess
3961s yeah I mean there's a few things I guess
3963s in this question contributing to Trophy
3965s inflation it is of course every brawler
3967s we release yeah Max trophies goes higher
3969s right like by you know 5 750,000
3972s whatever um and then the second part of
3975s course is Win streaks of course
3976s inflating trophies a little bit as well
3979s um based on how the mechanic Works um
3982s not to say that win streaks is bad by
3983s the way I think it's a net POS for even
3985s though there is trophy inflation coming
3987s along with it um but I think eventually
3990s For Us trophies should not maybe be the
3993s most important Vector of your account
3996s progress um currently of course when you
3998s open the game when you check your
3999s friends your first question is how many
4001s trophies do you have yeah and eventually
4003s I think we and the team would definitely
4006s like to change that question um long
4008s story short I don't know if this is a
4009s segue to a sneak peek or what but well
4011s we don't have much like we know that V
4014s is like a or the other game designer we
4015s had here in the podcast he's uh um what
4018s is it he's passionate about this topic
4021s right at least he tried to change like
4022s organically and then we had a post on
4025s social media asking like what do what
4027s you like or what you dislike about the
4028s trophy system like he he he read like a
4031s lot of those things and then he's
4033s working on ideas or like he wants to do
4035s some changes but uh we don't have
4037s anything like mapped or really concrete
4039s it's just yeah to to be very realistic
4042s it's very unlikely that this year
4044s anything about the trophy system will
4045s change yeah I think I think what Adan
4049s was alluding to is power League oh that
4054s is indeed what about power league is it
4057s the Sak Pig time no that's what yeah
4059s what I was kind of segueing into but
4061s okay then we the segue will be in the
4064s sneak pick time oh
4067s wow long seg yeah so organized that's F
4070s TTL Gamers oh but maybe on on trophies
4074s real quick I think there's like two two
4076s major types of players that play our
4077s game right like the people who just feel
4079s good about progressing and gaining and
4081s collecting and leveling up and then
4083s there's the really competitive players
4085s right like if you're a competitive
4087s player like your total trophies don't
4088s mean that much to be honest except for
4090s the lad Warriors for the lad Warriors
4093s sure but there's like a lots of win
4094s trading right there's a lot of cheese
4096s tactics you can do like if you're if
4098s you're talking about skill expression
4099s like what's the level of your skills
4101s like you know it's like power league
4102s right that's the better better measure
4104s yeah and I think in in the long term
4106s like there should be two two two metrics
4109s like one is like your total trophies
4110s like what's your senority like what's
4112s your tenure in Brawl right and then your
4115s power League rank is like what is your
4117s skill what how good are you in Brawl
4120s right
4122s yeah then unrelated dtl Gamers uh how
4128s did you like the release of the new brow
4129s pass system was it better or worse than
4132s expected and how was the community
4134s feedback so there's three questions here
4137s yeah yeah so how did the release went
4141s smoothly no Beyond was amazing yeah yeah
4144s I mean like you you saw the DI graph
4147s earlier yeah yeah just show the
4149s conversion that's true it does it uh
4152s match
4153s the
4157s the it was January so it's around here
4160s right you see that you can see that huge
4162s jump there from which
4165s one so so it's like yeah I think it
4169s totally I mean like yes it exceeded all
4172s our expectations that's a that's a short
4175s answer so we're really really happy with
4178s how it went um this is maybe also like
4182s do you want to talk about completion
4185s rates yeah the uh oh that's ugly so you
4190s guys will make it better thank you team
4193s so so it's actually like one one of the
4195s things we wanted to achieve with this as
4197s well is
4198s that we like it's very hard to imagine
4202s if you're playing the game every day if
4203s you're a hardcore player you're like oh
4206s my God you know like there's some sort
4208s of progression Nerf or something here
4211s but for for the real world the more
4216s average
4218s players not everyone finished their
4220s brawl pass especially not free to play
4223s so the the you see is from the circus
4225s season and the staron
4227s season and um so in the circus season
4232s free-to-play players was just just under
4235s 11% of free-to-play players finished the
4239s brw pass and 84% of people who got the
4243s premium pass that's not bad 84% yeah um
4247s the new pass now was tuned much better
4251s and now 22% of free-to-play players
4254s that's more than 2x the amount of people
4257s who start the free-to-play
4259s season um finish the season tier 50 and
4265s 95% of paying players which is uh
4269s absolutely amazing so 95% of the people
4272s who buy the pass will finish it which is
4277s yeah I mean those those results for us
4280s uh are mean mean a ton and it also
4282s showcases that free to play players have
4284s more fun with this yeah and also like uh
4287s to add like if you compare the um number
4290s of players for Cirus and ston actually
4293s circus had a lot less players so the
4295s percentage is like lower so like 22% of
4298s like a bigger pool is a lot more players
4300s like it's not exactly two 2x I think
4303s it's even more number of players
4304s completing the pass yeah and and and
4307s like circus was two months right yeah
4309s and star tons is one month so it's like
4311s the time difference as well it's crazy
4314s yeah so we really happy with how the
4316s tuning worked out we're happy with how
4318s the pass worked out we're happy with the
4320s community responses as well I think just
4323s like you know one one again one of the
4327s things
4327s we measure the highest is like if
4330s someone spends their hard earned cash on
4332s Broad
4333s stars then that is the the highest form
4336s of
4337s Engagement and you guys have shown us
4340s that that you value the new pass very
4342s clearly
4347s all
4348s right wondering when you going to use
4350s this yeah sorry I keep forgetting I I I
4353s should be like just operating that like
4355s like
4358s litc but um yeah and I guess on the
4361s community responses there right to that
4363s question I mean I think I saw a four or
4366s five post of someone doing the math on
4368s redit
4370s incorrectly most of them get it right I
4373s mean kyos did it for you man like I
4375s don't know so but but it's pretty clear
4378s like it is it is a buff it is a buff
4381s it's funny because those posts are
4383s always like I'm a nuclear physicist I
4384s did the
4386s math
4388s right yeah but shout out to community
4392s yes shout out to community yo yo yo yo
4394s yo yo no but I I think I want to point
4396s out like it's a Denny moment like uh of
4399s course like I talked to Jeff I talked to
4400s Frank I talked to everyone to make these
4402s BR pass coms but I think like like you
4406s are not seeing a lot of complaints about
4408s the broad pass change right and then we
4410s had like before you could pay you could
4412s get the brw pass by free gems
4416s and and then you can't anymore so like
4419s only this change would create like a
4421s huge backlash to any game that I I I
4424s know MH but we manag to not have any
4428s bigger deal right so like I think it's a
4430s like the fact that you don't see this
4432s comment popping out is because we made a
4435s good job on communicating it earlier
4437s yeah totally I mean uh before like we
4440s talked it was it wasn't going to be like
4442s that much of a buff yeah like and you
4445s really like fought for that yeah so like
4447s you know thank
4450s you you have just another Danny behind
4452s you
4453s ging Obama meme yeah oh no but I think
4457s it's also good because like the team was
4458s open to listen right so like my concern
4460s was like Hey I have this thing to
4462s announce and I I said to Jeff to Frank
4464s like there is no words I can say to the
4466s players that they will uh perceive it
4469s positively if they are getting if freeto
4471s play is getting nerfed yeah and then
4473s like can the numbers do the
4475s communication and then you just manage
4477s that like if you
4479s uh take into account one month of
4481s progression with the old system and with
4483s the new system the new system is better
4485s it's like yeah that's the numbers and
4487s then yeah it's easier to communicate
4489s easy proposition for sure yeah actually
4492s for the record too like I I see the math
4494s post sometimes like people don't really
4496s factor in the star drops the star drops
4498s are actually worth bonus just we we just
4500s stated like even without them like you
4502s know it's like better so like with them
4504s it's actually a lot better yeah
4506s yeah also most of the meth doesn't
4508s consider when we run special events yeah
4512s totally which we do quite regularly mhm
4515s and it was actually communicated in the
4517s choma no more F cuz like we we had the
4521s we like we we are not like blind we when
4523s we remov the club League shop the club
4526s shop and we replace with mega Pig we
4528s know Club League was giving more coins
4530s right but in the communication we posted
4533s we actually say and then community
4535s events will make up for the lack of
4538s rewards from the club League to MEAP Pig
4541s transition so basically we're pretty
4543s much actually now we have a graph for
4545s that look at that we have yeah another
4548s graph show it Tony oh my God coin gain
4552s so like the Baseline is always in
4553s increasing meaning that you are always
4555s getting more coins than before and of
4557s course there a huge Spike on the Mastery
4559s update because then it's like that was a
4561s biggest buff we added for the economy
4564s which hasn't been removed Master is
4566s still there and I'm sure you have a lot
4567s of brawlers to collect your resources
4569s from um but you can see blink update we
4572s didn't add anything to progression so
4574s there's a decline then start drops there
4576s is another pick I think this is like
4578s people spending um on the Brawlers or
4582s whatever or actually
4584s no it's because BR pass has two month uh
4587s yeah delay so there's there's that's why
4589s there's always decline then hyper charge
4592s of course here we added more syns uh to
4595s coins but still the Baseline is higher
4598s and then if you look at December with
4600s the Broly days and community events it's
4602s actually bad more than the the Mastery
4606s update so coins we are give you more
4608s coins
4610s overall yeah and and this just shows
4612s like coins right and we
4614s a lot more than just coins like we give
4616s out way more star Powers at random
4619s gadgets hyper like we give out like I
4622s think we were having a discussion it was
4624s like more we give out like more than
4626s three hyperchargers every update like
4628s something like that number of legendar
4630s are putting out yeah yeah yeah probably
4632s more now right like so we give out a ton
4634s like this is just coins right like we
4636s give out a ton more
4638s y
4640s um ah yeah cool um then actually I'm
4645s going through social media does it
4646s matter I don't know but now it's Reddit
4648s session before it was Twitter
4651s sure silent blueberry uh do you have
4654s plans of improving the bonus rewards at
4656s the end of the BR pass because right now
4659s 1,600 battle XP seemings too much for
4662s one run star drop if you're not going to
4664s change it why so also are you going to
4666s improve star drops in general at some
4668s point
4670s um I think the perception like maybe
4674s leaning into what Frank said earlier
4676s like what we want is we want players to
4679s finish the brawl pass like we design it
4681s in a way where the brawl pass is like
4683s super enjoyable and and you get through
4685s it and you get rewarded really well like
4687s the tail reward is actually just for
4689s like you know Super Hyper engaged
4692s players right it's not your main form of
4694s reward so um yeah it is it is kind of
4698s 1600 to be there kind of for something
4701s you know if if you're going to play a
4703s lot lot hey there's something there for
4705s you but it is not meant to be like your
4707s main former reward and it it's not
4709s something we're going to because if we
4710s lean into it then we're saying like no
4713s everyone we don't want you to just
4714s finish the battle pass we want you to
4716s grind the heck out of you know this tail
4718s reward which is not our intention right
4720s so we wanted you to finish the battle
4722s pass have a great time doing that and
4723s then come back next month for the for
4725s the new new battle pass right so and
4727s then that's her main goal so so the tail
4729s reward is kind of just a I don't know
4731s how how to say it maybe just like a
4734s don't feel too bad for to continue
4736s playing right so you get something for
4738s the XP basically and I think we just
4740s looked at the coin graph yeah so so
4744s like what what you see startups what we
4748s see is X
4751s currency so so we we feel we're actually
4754s in a pretty good spot with the
4755s currencies right now we touched on
4757s PowerPoints maybe for some people too
4759s much but but in general like there's no
4764s no feeling of we're giving out too
4765s little at the moment and you saw that
4768s like uh even now with improved numbers
4772s only 22% of free-to-play players are
4774s reaching the tail end yeah at all 20 22%
4777s of freeto playay players and even from
4779s the paid play 95% reach the tailent
4783s so it's it's really like a an
4787s interesting balance to strike so I guess
4789s we are we're we're seeing quite a lot of
4791s ideas and proposals on Reddit on Twitter
4795s about like ah we could do this feature
4796s or that feature and all of them lead to
4799s getting more rewards yeah which is
4801s natural to ask for but but us giving out
4805s more rewards in any places would just
4808s mean that we have to balance the whole
4810s thing in the background so if we give
4813s give out more
4814s stardrops because we have more like the
4817s cost would be lower on the tail end then
4820s that would just lead to a situation
4821s where the start drups will probably have
4822s slightly less content yeah which then
4825s also would feel bad yeah so so because
4827s again like we feel we're in a pretty
4829s good spot now with the balancing of
4831s currencies of of course it's a job that
4833s never really ends yeah no um but but
4837s yeah like balancing in general yes but I
4840s also think uh because like let's say we
4843s we agree with the community like ah we
4845s are giving too little and then we just
4847s increase the battle pass or whatever we
4849s give we put more resources there it
4851s wouldn't have any meaningful impact for
4854s us however when we run a community event
4857s where we inject more rewards to make
4859s this event more fun we have more players
4861s engaged so it's basically like using the
4863s same amount of rewards we have but in
4866s more smarter places right so like we
4868s have a better benefit um of um of how we
4872s use that and and like I I said in
4875s another podcast but um the resources we
4880s give away during these events they are
4882s not b es they are like they come from a
4885s budget of resources we want to give out
4888s throughout the year right it's like um
4891s is Imagine like we have a a mega Pig we
4894s have imagine they have like a a a
4896s massive pool of resources and this is
4898s like is is limited like we can't give
4901s out more than what we have there and
4903s then we have to distribute across the
4905s throughout the year like what will be
4907s like the best way to do it in a in a way
4910s that sometimes we have can have like
4912s these um surprising moments where you
4915s feel a lot more rewarded than rather
4918s than if it was like injected in stard
4919s drops or in the
4921s pests
4922s um anyway he had the following question
4925s which was like Improvement to Star
4927s drops um I don't think there is anything
4930s in line at the moment like there is some
4932s desires I think yeah we have a bunch of
4934s items they're like quality of life to
4937s kind of you know slightly bigger changes
4940s but you know again like they don't
4941s really make the cut in terms a priority
4943s right now against all the other cool
4945s stuff that we because they're already
4946s working as well like they're they're in
4949s a okay place and again also when we talk
4951s about
4953s improvements again improvements would
4955s not mean more rewards true yeah so so
4958s it's like it's compar connected to the
4961s other question uh he Ori asked is
4964s like like if you think of improvements
4967s as I'm getting
4969s more uh no we when we talk about
4973s improvements we think like what else
4975s would could we do with stard drops not
4977s not how much more could we put into
4979s stard drops
4981s yeah um slightly related to XP more Ula
4987s XP doublers are basically worthless now
4990s any plans to re then or make then
4992s actually useful yeah Jeff you grind 1.6k
4996s to tokens to open a start drop and get
4998s 100
4999s back I mean they're basically
5001s worthless no they're not worthless I
5004s think um I think the benefit of the XP
5008s doublers which is a much more intuitive
5010s name um is uh they kind of help you feel
5014s better about just playing the game on a
5016s normal basis right just getting twice as
5018s many XP yeah like that feels pretty good
5021s like it's a it's a nice you know it's
5022s not the most exciting reward but it's a
5023s nice filler reward for your daily
5025s engagement um and we kind of answered
5027s the
5029s 1.6 XP doublers question already right
5032s about the tail drop it's not it's not
5033s the focus rewards yeah yeah there also I
5037s think there's also like
5039s the the one of the key things key
5043s features about randomized rewards is
5046s that some of those randomized rewards
5048s will be lower in value and others will
5050s be higher in value because the the
5053s implication of saying oh I should get at
5055s least a uh 1600 XP back that would also
5059s mean you're never getting more worth
5061s than 1600 XP yeah yeah in total values
5064s so it's like so forget legendary BRS or
5067s hyper charge mhm so that's that's that's
5070s the random in Randomness yeah yeah we
5073s tend to remember kind of the the lowest
5076s points and and think about that first
5078s right so like when you get the 200 token
5081s doublers after earning 1,600 you'll
5084s probably remember that yeah but you know
5086s when you get you know like a bunch of
5088s hyperchargers or Star Powers you know
5091s you're probably that's not going to come
5093s up in your mind when you need to
5095s complain about something yeah and I
5096s think that's a good segue to how things
5099s are
5100s perceived as a human being cuz like you
5103s do remember things that affect you
5106s emotionally in a strong way right so
5109s like if you get like 50 coins you won't
5112s remember that drop you remember the one
5114s that I don't know um you open a
5116s legendary and you got like 50 uh 500
5119s credits that went to fame that will
5121s stick to your mind like you remember the
5123s negative experience and goes the same
5124s for balance right as I said like Maisy
5126s was strong nobody car about her when she
5128s was released but when kit was released
5131s and it was like devastating everyone in
5132s Showdown that sticks in your mind and
5135s that's why it it seemings that all
5138s Brawlers that release are broken but
5140s it's because our memory only um connects
5144s the strong moments like they forget dog
5147s they forget Maisy they forget Carl yeah
5150s um they do forget about Carl
5154s never forget never forget but that's why
5157s uh that's why the complaints are always
5160s so vocal right because it's really tied
5162s on the emotion for sure but it's also
5163s super subjective it is it's like you're
5166s saying getting upset about 500 credits
5168s into your Fame like I'm I'm genuinely
5172s because my account is always maxed I'm
5174s always maxed in my account so for me
5176s growing my fame is like it's it's it's
5179s literally one of the progression systems
5180s I'm looking at yeah every every day so
5183s I'm disappointed when I get 1,000 coins
5186s I'm like Jeff Jeff where where's my 500
5189s credits so I'd love to get these big fat
5192s credit drops wink wink it's uh ah yeah
5196s it's a painful Point hey I I want to say
5198s one more thing about the XP doublers
5200s yeah we are reviewing the the pricing
5204s yeah yay it's won to be a massive change
5206s though no no not a massive change but
5209s but uh I mean we surely agree that the
5214s the old pricing for the gems for 1,000
5218s XP was off by a little bit yeah yeah
5221s that was definitely oversight for sure
5222s yeah we'll correct that like we do going
5225s to be
5226s fixed k k Cy too many consonants
5233s although the game has two Gadget and
5234s star power for some characters like
5235s Ottis buzz and Gro uh this choice is
5239s very OB um this is very obvious for some
5241s options are clear is stronger than
5243s others why does it take so long to
5245s balance this issue especially for ones
5247s that everyone's know are uses like RT
5249s Gadget shout out to
5252s RT I mean this is a great question um
5256s the long story short is proration but
5258s let me go a little bit deeper than that
5260s so I'm also by the way interested how
5262s bus was mentioned here because the other
5263s star power for example for bus is really
5265s good had a conversation we talked about
5267s it today that's why it's on top of mine
5269s anyway pass the point um some star
5273s powers and gadgets are obviously more
5274s situational and therefore will feel
5276s worse but it's also easy to kind of get
5280s stuck in that mindset that okay this is
5281s just a better star power this just a
5283s better Gadget but like experimentation
5285s especially on on some maps you can see
5287s from the data as well that hey this less
5290s popular thing has a much higher win rate
5292s for example um so I would be careful by
5296s calling something useless just by
5297s looking at it that being said that being
5301s said RT's inline is definitely useless
5305s and and that's that's my bad um I think
5308s we talked about this in another podcast
5309s even but regardless all of these things
5312s that are basically lagging behind or
5313s that didn't nail The Mark with the first
5315s design is something we want to address
5318s the problem is when we have time to
5319s address it because let's say we would
5322s want to address all of them well then
5323s maybe we can't make a new brawler for a
5325s few seasons and that's not sustainable
5328s um so we need to think okay we have to
5330s do the musab so Brawlers hyperchargers
5332s for for example and if we have time then
5334s we have paration list of okay this is
5336s the first Gadget we want to rework this
5338s is the first braw we want to rework this
5340s is you know whatever it is um so we do
5342s agree of course there are plenty of
5344s these items that we would like to get to
5347s um but it's just about when can we get
5348s to them
5349s reasonably yeah do you think AR Gadget
5354s is a a number problem what if like
5358s immediately kills I think even if it
5360s would one shot everyone in TW it might
5363s still be bad crazily enough it's that
5366s poorly designed yeah I can say that cuz
5368s I designed it but because the concept is
5371s so good right that like you connect yeah
5373s it would be but you could do it like the
5374s other way or like you switch but there's
5376s so many different I remember the
5378s creation I was like yeah that's actually
5379s cool yeah I thought it was really clever
5382s but it wasn't any way uh wasn't it
5387s wasn't I think there's also like the new
5390s and more recently I think we started
5392s started looking at gadgets and Starbucks
5394s in a bit different way than we did did
5396s traditionally traditionally it was a lot
5398s about novelty M and now it's more
5401s focused around play Styles yeah so more
5404s more recently like we're focusing on
5406s having typically like one Gadget one
5409s star power One play style one Gadget and
5411s star power different play style so I
5414s think that it's emphasized in in
5416s Brothers like Duck you see
5417s it very strongly you know one is very
5420s much like I I want to hurt you and the
5423s other one is I want to heal you wow and
5426s so so the different play Styles I think
5430s it's just a cool angle for gadgets and
5431s star Powers because that allows us to
5434s ultimately fill two roles with one
5436s brawler or two slightly different play
5438s Styles yeah so I think um so I think
5441s we're getting better at this in general
5443s for sure and I think if we look at the
5445s let's say star power and Gadget
5447s distribution kind of graphs that we have
5448s maybe we can pull one up even but like
5451s um you know how many people use one of
5453s the other we don't have nearly as many
5455s outliers as we did let's say a year ago
5457s or or a year before that like it's been
5459s improving um constantly and we're going
5461s to keep improving
5463s it um Ken D soen is that German this
5469s king of the socks that's what it sounded
5472s like yeah yeah it's king of the socks
5473s that's a great name amazing uh what are
5475s your upcoming plans if any to improve
5477s the mega Pig experience playing 20
5479s matches it's 15 by the way uh Wai think
5482s three days uh once a month for
5484s randomized rewards was not a big
5486s Improvement in my
5487s opinion geograph
5490s yay show a I like it should have a pull
5494s up the
5495s receipts wow wow Jeff those are some
5499s pretty nice
5501s numbers so let's
5503s explain are you want to do you want to
5505s explain no I think Jeff can I
5507s can well like I think for us one of the
5512s main reasons why we reworked uh Club
5515s League into currently MEAP
5518s pic is how many people participated in
5522s the events you know when when when you
5525s look at our whole player
5528s base and as you see there on the left
5530s before we introduced the MEAP Peg those
5533s were the participation rates on specific
5536s days around the event and as you can
5539s tell it's less than 10% of our players
5543s which participated at any given time
5545s yeah and it was the same it was the same
5548s if you look longer yeah it's even
5549s trending down towards the
5552s end um so there there were a ton of
5555s rewards but it wasn't distributed
5558s properly because for the majority of
5559s players it was just not attractive
5561s enough and and that we wanted to fix and
5565s we fixed it with a mega pick which is a
5568s much lighter commitment for people um as
5571s you said is now just one weekend per
5575s month um we reduce the amount of uh
5578s tickets
5580s required and yeah the engagement looks
5583s much much better as you can tell from
5584s the graphs on the right there was some a
5586s little bit of fatigue when we introduced
5588s it initially and ran it for four
5590s weeks
5592s um but yeah now the participation rates
5594s are way up are looking super healthy
5597s people obviously like to try out the new
5600s uh the new modifiers
5602s it's like yeah we're just reaching much
5605s more people and in parallel all those
5607s extra resources they're not gone they're
5609s just redistributed as dannie pointed out
5611s to other community events or part of
5614s that went into the brw pass which again
5616s is much more predictable for people to
5618s unlock and participate in so yeah we
5621s feel really good with it I know it's
5623s it's controversial for the hardcore
5626s people because they in the the 10% down
5629s there yeah and of course like it's hard
5631s to visualize is that like once you had
5633s loud resources here in this shop right
5635s and now they are like in the mega Pig
5637s and then across community events like
5639s you need you need really to be a
5641s mathematician to do the calculation and
5644s see if you are actually uh getting more
5646s but as as we show to the coin
5650s um coin inject coin receival what's the
5654s word outflows or yeah outlow inflow
5657s anyway how many coins you received uh on
5660s a day like you can see that growing the
5662s Baseline is always income it was right
5666s there coin income like it's increasing
5669s uh across uh throughout the year
5672s hopefully not too much because then
5673s you're going to be wor oh
5676s yeah I feel like a lot of players are
5679s like kind of really focused on like oh
5680s what how much am I getting how how long
5682s is going to take me to complete X right
5685s and you're thinking like
5686s wait Mega Pig's rewards were so nerfed
5690s how could this be they must be lying
5692s right and I think the realization is you
5694s know actually Adrian reminded me of this
5696s today or yesterday when we were talking
5699s about like you know future uh future
5701s stuff like when we were looking at Club
5704s League like we start from the gameplay
5706s first right we were like hey what's
5707s going to be more fun and these modifiers
5710s seems like a great way to do it not only
5713s because they're exciting and they switch
5714s up the gameplay but you know each Mega
5716s pig in the future we can introduce more
5718s mods switch things out you know surprise
5720s surprise people and I think that's kind
5722s of you know the result of the gamep
5724s playay being more fun right like having
5726s a li on and having a a leaderboard in
5728s your club and kind of have some having
5730s some friendly competition right like
5732s having those sweaty a matches like
5733s that's all that's that's like brawl
5735s Stars you know and um yeah like you know
5738s rewards are redistributed to other
5740s places even if you know you might get a
5742s bunch of XP doublers from a pig it
5745s happens but you know you can also get a
5747s bunch of legendary Brothers right so
5749s yeah and we actually our goal for the
5751s MEAP Pig our success criteria whenever
5754s we develop a new feature we have some
5757s some performance indicators in mind and
5760s our goal for the MEAP pic was to reach
5762s 20% of
5764s players and we we pretty much doubled
5767s that we went to 40% so it's like four
5770s times more people
5771s engaging um yeah and also like I think I
5775s forgot to mention like but we actually
5777s mentioned on the start drop podcast that
5779s they go for Star drops or like MEAP pig
5781s or anything that we are adding is like
5783s to
5784s Democrat democratize democratize the
5786s rewards because before we have like the
5789s reach becoming too rich and then the
5791s poor like being too poor like so then
5794s they are not getting enough like so the
5796s Casual players were not getting enough
5798s rewards and now with mega Pig start
5800s drops they are actually getting a lot
5803s more than before and if you are really
5805s active you are still getting more than
5806s the casuals so like uh it's just like
5808s not as much as before but um
5812s but yeah so like we are really ha really
5815s happy with the uh situation we are in
5819s now because we believe that the
5821s retention and everything our growth is
5823s actually like this is part of the growth
5825s as well right because like casual feel
5828s more rewarded therefore they will play
5830s more and then they invite their friends
5831s and blah blah blah uh and then the super
5833s hardcore they will stick there with us
5836s they're still getting more yeah they're
5838s still getting more right if you're if
5840s you're a hardcore player you will get
5842s 100% of the possible rewards every Mega
5844s pick yeah and and so yeah and maximize
5848s community events like if you play more
5850s and something this CR doesn't really
5851s show is but whenever we do run a mega
5854s pick so that weekend the whole weekend
5857s activity of players goes up that's true
5859s so it's like so it's not only that the
5862s the percentage is high of the people who
5864s are there there's also more people who
5866s lock in the game in the first place so
5869s having this event like once a month for
5872s most people it's much more friendly and
5874s to play those 15 matches over a weekend
5877s it's much more friendly for most people
5879s it's scheduled yeah so then than having
5882s like basically every week every day to
5886s play to get those rewards which again is
5889s is not that's not how most people play
5891s brao stars yeah yeah and like we have
5894s like we do have a list of improvements
5896s we want to do yeah we talk about a lot
5898s we read all the feedback there's
5900s definitely things we want to improve but
5902s again just a priority question on you
5904s know it's weight against everything else
5905s we have to do and I I think one of the
5907s most valid things you know is the
5910s duration right like a month is really
5912s long but I think the long-term intention
5914s is always hey we want to add something
5916s different something new on other weeks
5918s right and eventually you know it'll feel
5920s a lot different in the future yeah we'd
5923s like to have more more things for clubs
5925s to do as well yeah for sure
5927s sure
5930s uh juy Zack uh why do we get credits out
5935s of star drops when we have all Brawlers
5938s and is there plan to expand Fame I guess
5941s improve or change
5944s Fame so when when you're when you're at
5947s the end if first again it's an outlier
5949s to have all the brers unlocked yeah it's
5952s it's a pretty rare occurrence there
5954s needs to be a we talked about Fame in
5956s the past yes like why why we have that
5958s system so so I won't go too deep in
5961s there look at the previous time to
5963s explain um so the fame system for us
5966s it's it's important because there will
5968s always have to be like an end funnel of
5971s sorts uh else people will just creep up
5974s currency like it happens for PowerPoints
5976s for some people so there needs to be
5978s like a sync some some place you can put
5981s that extra
5982s currency
5984s and well the the second part of the
5986s question I think we also talked about
5988s already publicly yeah is that we're
5990s going to change
5992s uh or improve Fame with the coming
5995s update it's going to be really cool I
5997s think sneak pick moment seems like
5999s there's a great segue
6003s for well that one was already announced
6006s okay okay so doesn't count yeah but uh
6009s maybe you can expand uh a bit um so it's
6014s confirmed it's like ah should I the name
6017s of the feature change big big plot twist
6020s it's not frame anymore oh yeah cuz in
6022s the communication was we called Fram
6024s it's not called
6025s frames and it's not called what we're
6027s thinking
6028s about it's called we discussed the names
6031s a lot no battle card background isn't
6035s just battle cards battle cards we don't
6037s even we still don't
6039s know we discussed it for reference for
6042s the community we discussed this a lot
6044s yeah this stupid
6046s name naming is hard L probably a week of
6049s development time yeah but then like when
6052s you go into a battle your battle card
6053s will change based on our Fame and it's
6056s really beautiful we like we we had like
6059s when uh Gonzalo was showing to us like
6061s we are like wow we had a wow moment we
6063s did have a big wow yeah so it's really
6065s cool so basically we will allow you to
6067s show off your Fame rank a little bit
6070s more than in the past like of course
6072s it's still cosmetic like you're not
6073s getting progression out of that because
6075s if you have all the Brawlers you're good
6077s in
6078s progression but uh but then uh maybe I
6082s saw a suggestion sorry I saw a
6083s suggestion which was like you should it
6086s should be become cheaper to unlock more
6088s Brawlers ah but you already maxed and we
6091s should like or increase drop chances for
6095s Star drops and stuff like this I would
6097s can like get 1.1 coins or something like
6100s that you know like a bonus but like
6102s Brawlers is exactly the thing you don't
6104s need anyway yeah but it's like it's
6107s really cool cosmetics and then you can
6109s show off those things and let's see like
6110s if people people start uh putting those
6115s Cosmetics into Fame on their battle card
6118s now and the
6121s other sneak peek is power League rework
6127s do you want to talk about it or do you
6128s want to all right yeah po league is dead
6131s you want to talk about it no icept my
6132s piece all right po league is dead yeah
6134s yeah so par League's dead no more power
6137s League it is of you that's
6140s it
6142s game tropy inflation yeah yeah just yeah
6146s Embrace trophy inflation I guess like
6148s some things uh we can say like it's one
6150s month long like it will follow the the
6153s new BR pass because we felt that's a
6155s good Pace to to progress it doesn't get
6158s boring V is working on the rewards so
6161s you know if you don't like
6162s it throw him under the bus he here no
6165s it's going to be awesome like I I think
6167s they're really exciting uh you there
6169s going to be way more than current power
6172s League yeah uh and you're going to be
6175s getting it every month so it's going to
6176s feel a lot better um I think maybe the
6180s gameplay piece you know Adrian can talk
6182s about actually yeah I mean we're we're
6184s going to try something pretty wild um
6187s with with with new ranked system we're
6189s going to try to have modifiers in ranked
6191s not the ones you're used to by the way I
6193s think importantly for us is that they
6194s stay competitive and not RNG based so
6197s they should be predictable so for
6198s example you won't have one team's map
6200s covered in no and the other ones not
6202s stuff like that so when we make these
6204s modifiers we want the games to play out
6205s differently they want we want you to
6207s influence what Brawlers you want to pick
6209s depending on the mode the map
6212s composition and the modifier so it's
6214s basically another layer of skill
6216s expression like can you adapt to also a
6219s modifier and that should also feel much
6221s fresher because no single map will play
6224s the same because a modifier will make it
6225s play completely differently yeah cuz
6228s that's an issue I think we identified
6229s from the old uh Power leag system is
6231s once you kind of went through the map
6232s rotation you kind of got a little bit
6234s bored of it there was no surprises
6236s really you know you know what the good
6237s picks are at any given time that's it
6240s but um but with with modifiers that
6242s should change up a lot and of course you
6244s know some modifiers might work out great
6246s some might not we have the opportunity
6248s to scale it on the fly so if there's
6251s something that just simply won't work
6253s we're not going to you know stick with
6254s it and we're going to keep changing them
6256s as we go yeah and I think like we can go
6258s deeper like bro talk is coming two no I
6262s don't know when it's going to be
6263s released but it's coming at soon and
6267s then I'll go deep into the feature but
6269s also like we are addressing a lot of
6271s complaints about the uh current uh Power
6274s League which is like players picking
6277s lowlevel brothers or a report system yay
6280s we are actually working on the report
6283s system and and then a bit more casual
6286s for the casuals it's like the the first
6290s um
6292s the what it say the first ranks it's not
6294s going to be like the Banning fa having
6297s Banning phase and like a a peak phase
6299s for each player yeah cuz like it was
6301s like you actually talked about that on
6303s the on another episode there was like
6305s such a big gap from a trophy game to a
6308s power league mode right so there is not
6309s a smooth transition yeah so now we made
6312s the first ranks uh a bit easier or like
6315s smooter and then we we kept the hardcore
6318s like the competitive mode towards uh
6321s uh diamond diamond diamond up Diamond up
6325s yeah so like
6326s um hopefully we'll see a lot more
6329s players playing y this but it it it
6332s looks really promising yeah and maybe
6334s just on kind of back to mods for a bit
6336s like like we I think we care a lot about
6339s kind of the competitive Integrity if you
6341s will of the game right like you know we
6343s all love the Esports stuff and we're all
6346s competitive players and I I think
6348s there's a really we talked about I think
6351s there's a intuitive reaction to mods
6353s like oh man you're rude everyone in the
6355s team had the same reaction everybody was
6357s like wait this is a bad idea right yeah
6359s and I think there's a the and the reason
6361s why we're doing it is there there's two
6363s re well one is like Adrian touched on
6364s like we're going to be redesigning and
6366s introducing new mods and they're not
6368s going to be like Mega Pig right they're
6369s going to be designed for competitive and
6372s the other thing is like from just from a
6374s design perspective like when you have
6376s something random happening during the
6378s game like with that's out of your
6379s control like you can't do much about it
6381s and that feels bad for competitive but
6383s for mods it's it's input Randomness
6386s right like you know about the randomness
6388s and then you get to make decisions in
6389s terms of which baller you pick who you
6391s ban and how you decide to play in the
6393s match and the match stays consistent so
6395s there's no output Randomness right so so
6399s because of that like we're more
6400s confident in in trying to trying to do
6402s this yeah and then they have another
6405s sneak peek here should I raise this
6406s thing raise it ra can you
6409s though are you
6413s worthy can you add some effects team
6418s oh whatever that means we should have
6420s left it on the table actually the whole
6422s time oh I can put it there no you can
6424s yeah we can leave leave cool is it too
6427s bad
6428s team yeah probably cuts into the screen
6432s take this away from
6433s you they know better um but actually you
6438s probably know because this ping is
6439s actually already this ping is already in
6442s the game so everything makes sense now
6444s but that's that's all does it make sense
6446s that's all it's pretty mysterious stuff
6448s I don't know
6450s yeah sneak peeks over oh wow like that
6453s so blunt on the braw talk soon yes and
6457s smash through that yeah keep going with
6461s the hammer puns guys
6464s no um tardan T tarp Andale many players
6469s have noticed that some of some some new
6471s details in the life of brawlers from the
6474s description are slightly different from
6476s those that were once presented to us
6478s simply put was their LW red con oh NOS
6482s oh no uh is CCTV a separate part of the
6484s LW that does not belong to the uh
6487s investor video or the 2020 221
6491s LW um like you still the star line is
6495s irrelevant the question is the same as
6497s the first one uh it's the same question
6500s like did the law
6502s change and the question is no no high
6504s level no high level no but I'd like to
6507s I'd like to say especially with the
6508s brawler descriptions I think when
6512s we the the brawler descriptions are way
6514s older in most cases than than our
6518s Ambitions for the law for the game uh
6521s the the law what you see the current
6523s continuation of things is it's simply
6526s what's what has been planned for a while
6528s but the description of the Brawlers have
6530s been out
6531s outdated and we finally had time to fix
6534s it it's one of these quality of life
6535s changes being somewhere on a backlog
6538s true but yeah no yeah and the same thing
6541s like the investor video it is still part
6543s of the lore yes of the game right the
6546s CCTV is connected to that and um like
6550s when we create a brawler like what you
6553s see in the game is just like a very tiny
6555s fraction of what is like the rationale
6557s or the origin or everything that has
6559s been going with the brawler
6561s but when now uh Fernand like her team is
6564s creating uh the Brawlers she drops like
6566s a whole file of like the Ambitions and
6570s personality and everything about the
6571s brawler but then like we don't want to
6573s like just put out a list of hey this
6576s character is this and then we list uh
6578s the personality traits of the character
6580s we prefer to explore in like animations
6582s or like every time we do a a community
6585s um post on social is the brother doing
6587s something related to the personality
6589s like we are building then up with you
6591s guys and also you are making fun art and
6594s like uh I really like how in in BR talk
6597s like I do one line to define the brw
6600s personality and they make so much
6602s content already about this one line
6604s right yeah so but that's really cool
6609s yeah um
6614s b b cat I don't
6618s know oh this is the the angry dude like
6621s um I wanted to I picked this question uh
6626s specifically just to show like how the
6628s emotion is driving you to the wrong path
6631s not only like on how you are expressing
6634s yourself or how you're expressing it but
6637s also like how far from reality it is
6640s actually like we are here like I wish I
6643s could invite this player here like sit
6645s here down with us like who hurt you like
6648s why why are so mad like this is a game
6650s right it's just a game and then we are
6652s here to explain how games are made and
6654s our decision and everything uh and then
6656s we are open to be transparent with every
6659s decision we we take uh so I'm going like
6662s through the he has a lot of questions
6665s here I'm going through all of then uh so
6668s like he starts with why did you suddenly
6670s take the game in such an unfair
6673s unbalanced and wh Centric Direction in
6675s the past year it's like we already show
6678s that it's not whale Centric because
6680s conver is going higher and that's our
6682s goal on how we want to um uh monetize
6686s the game
6687s better unfair is very subjective I don't
6691s know what exactly it's meaning it's just
6693s like a a word that has a lot of power
6695s and doesn't mean much right uh unbalance
6698s like we have a couple of rollers that
6700s are broken like those are outliers like
6702s we have another uh 70 or how do we have
6705s now yeah a lot million yeah a lot of
6709s rollers and then we do have like
6712s comments and I think maybe Adrian can
6714s say better than me sometimes Adrian is
6716s praised as like oh my God the balance is
6718s the better the best I ever seen But then
6722s 10 days after it's like oh my God fire
6725s this guy yeah I mean I think that's fine
6727s I think that's natural
6728s because at the end of the day like
6730s recency bias plays a huge part in how we
6733s proceive our game like it doesn't matter
6736s if the game was perfect quote unquote a
6738s week ago like what you're feeling now is
6741s what matters right like and if we look
6743s at we suddenly made unbalanced Brawlers
6746s like we've had many cases in the past
6748s where some brers have been stronger than
6749s they should have been and we have had
6751s times where they were weaker than they
6752s should have been and sometimes we hit
6754s the nail on the head the first try and
6755s that's the really hard part but we're
6757s always going to try to get there um and
6759s at the end of the day as I said before
6761s what we're always going to do is fix it
6763s so if something comes out unbalanced or
6765s bad we're going to fix it MH no matter
6768s which way it yeah and then he Contin
6770s the game was hly perfect before the star
6773s drops and then if you see the da graph
6778s yeah we can show it again actually yeah
6781s we can show it
6783s again like like I would rather like a
6788s thousand times have the community a bit
6790s angry with us but having like five times
6793s more but having a community yeah yeah
6796s right that would be
6797s nice but having like five times more
6800s players than before cuz like when we
6802s were like at the end of The Bling update
6804s that was really woring for us like we
6805s were really like wor like yeah it was
6808s super worrying the G the game was going
6810s in a really bad Direction it's
6812s like and um yeah like uh now what what I
6817s feel is the problem is there are a lot
6818s of unaddressed problems in the community
6821s like I think what we need to do and I
6823s need to do more is communicate about
6826s everything more frequently because I
6828s think we've been maybe ignored ing then
6831s for too long at least like on the
6832s communication side and that's because we
6835s were working a lot on making the game
6837s better right and me involved um and now
6840s I think like maybe we can take a break
6841s and then may be more communic
6843s communicative no no breaks no breaks but
6846s there's also there's there's one more
6848s thing in that um post I'd like to it's
6851s not and a bunch of questions yeah I'd
6854s like to address which is this this
6856s misconception I see that on on
6858s especially on Reddit for some reason
6860s quite a bit it's like ah the suits made
6862s you do it yeah that's a it ends War
6867s suits it's it's
6870s like
6872s um the the tldd is it's not how
6876s supercell as a company functions and
6878s works what one of the special things
6880s about this company is that the games are
6883s made and steered from within the game
6886s teams so so game teams is is teams like
6890s my team here which is like so you have a
6894s manager on top that's me hi I'm the
6897s manager I'm the suit maybe I'm the
6899s closest the suit I am the closest to I
6901s thought you the janitor what what going
6903s on that's a career Jor to CEO no um so
6909s so we have we have
6910s teams um which which are structured
6913s around making the game and all the
6914s decisions for that game are made within
6916s the team 100% of the decisions for every
6920s superstar
6921s games are made within the team so we as
6924s a team discuss we're looking at these
6926s graphs and numbers an awful lot and
6928s trying to steer the game in the best
6929s possible
6931s direction again like we have millions of
6933s players it's impossible to make everyone
6936s happy and we understand that it's part
6938s of the business yeah but at the end of
6940s the day we we need to look what actually
6942s works and what doesn't work it's like
6945s when the the irony is of course like
6947s that after we introduce startups people
6950s was starting oh the game is dying or
6952s it's dead or whatever and it's like it's
6955s it's the opposite it's the polar
6957s opposite so whenever I see a post like
6959s that for me it's like dude I I can't I
6963s can't it's it's really hard for me to
6965s take it serious even even though there
6967s might be some valuable feedback
6968s somewhere there but i' I'd love our
6972s players out there to you know if you
6974s have feedback tell us exactly what you
6976s you think and why you think like it and
6978s then we can have a look but by the else
6981s it's really really difficult to give you
6982s you know like responses because I mean
6986s you you you literally see on those
6988s graphs what we are seeing yeah and and
6990s the game yeah is going in the right
6993s direction right now and that was like
6996s players right it's not like even
6998s monetization or anything it's like
6999s number of players that are coming to the
7000s game playing the game every day um the
7003s monetization graphs goes along with a
7005s diu graph right so if you have more
7008s players you make more money yes business
7010s that's simple as it is yeah don't don't
7012s be Edgar and use your outcry
7017s Gadget oh my God yeah that we have maybe
7021s this
7024s one I can continue ever since uh then
7028s every update has been devaluing the free
7029s to-play experience one way to another
7032s like the new pass actually improves
7035s because actually gives the ability to
7037s use gems on something else uh well you
7041s you you also saw like the the coin
7043s income uh graph we showed uh and every
7046s character this feels like they are
7048s deliberately designed to be overpowered
7051s Mo Money printers that you throw in the
7053s garbage a week or two afterwards like
7057s this is so disconnected from reality
7060s right like even if you think like the
7062s browser are deliberate design to be
7064s overpowered the rest of the message is
7066s not true Larry is to strong yeah still
7069s oh and and I think for me the F my
7072s favorite um example is when you reworked
7074s Penny yeah she was on the strong side
7076s also yeah and then we quick quickly Nerf
7079s her because we had a maintenance coming
7081s and they're like let's put the Nerf
7083s there and then people like oh my God
7085s they kill Penny blah and then she
7087s remained in The Meta for I don't know
7088s another year for sure yeah I mean it's
7091s it's very easy to feel emotional
7093s especially if he you know your favorite
7095s character for example that's getting a
7096s hit or or you know what whatnot it's
7099s really used to feel really hard done by
7101s so yeah then you mentioned did the suits
7104s uh think you were making a lot less
7106s money blah blah blah than other super
7108s titles and they man these
7109s changes uh and then I would like I would
7113s really like if you drop the and then
7115s just answer honestly that was it yeah
7118s just did that was it and and maybe it's
7121s uh like I think it's I think B is super
7126s passionate about braw which right like
7128s he just really cares about the game
7130s wants it to be awesome and I think you
7132s know we do too and we're literally
7134s trying to do that right we are trying to
7136s grow the game in terms of the player
7138s base like we're not here trying to like
7140s squeeze players for every single penny
7142s you know that's not that's not what
7143s we're here to do like we want brawl to
7145s be the biggest game right that's what
7146s we're trying to do and it's literally
7147s our livelihood yeah yeah and like here
7151s like in this podcast who other game does
7154s that right like maybe you can name a
7156s couple but we are here to explain why
7158s we're doing the decision showing numbers
7160s showing data because we understand that
7163s like if you're only seeing what the game
7165s puts out like you have a misconception
7167s of what's happening right so we are here
7169s to address the other end which is like
7171s the communication part um so so yeah so
7174s basically if you have more questions we
7176s are free to answer but we won't answer
7178s if you are in this same emotional uh uh
7184s stance than this uh comment here yeah
7187s yeah and maybe to reiterate like we we
7189s we do you know try to make money for the
7191s game is a business right and but part of
7194s that is like you know we use those
7196s profits to use and marketing to do cool
7199s Community stuff to do Esports and try to
7202s grow the game right and it's part of
7203s that and that's why we do need a
7205s monetize the game yep true all right um
7210s well that's being a long episode let's
7213s go through I think we have 10 questions
7216s let's try to speedrun important all
7218s right I have a few questions ah F Photon
7222s wi wings I have a few questions around
7224s how things are managed in Brar in the
7225s browar team how do you decide which
7227s Brothers to give hypercharge to which
7229s update yeah so this a few things but I
7231s guess the biggest thing is we have a
7233s merry mix of different yeah and was
7235s changing to every update also it it it
7236s does change but like a baseline is okay
7239s we shouldn't give six assassins
7240s hyperchargers it should be like a sniper
7242s a tank an assassin you know something
7244s like that different Rarities as well if
7246s possible like you know yeah popular
7248s unpopular popular popular so forth it's
7250s also a great tool to bring back rers
7253s into the meta yeah Lou as a great
7255s example for example yeah how much do
7257s test R before we touched on that yeah
7260s have you thought about trying um boot
7262s post that spread we talk about
7265s it to get into a uh are there some Bal
7269s uh some Brawlers that the team
7271s intentionally tried to keep on the
7272s stronger side in terms of balancing as
7275s like Piper or spy consistently being at
7277s the meta uh no no not really I mean
7281s there is no basically I'm not sitting
7283s there going I really like Piper so Piper
7285s should be at that I know that dny D this
7288s D propaganda me pushing
7291s like but yeah I mean there is some
7293s Brawlers though I will say that if they
7295s are in a good spot the meta's probably
7297s decently healthy like Piper for example
7299s is a very binary character as a sniper
7302s and if she's doing well it means that
7304s probably the sniper meta in general is
7306s doing quite well because it's like it
7308s just goes hand in hand very far and
7309s outside of the brers there's also the
7311s maps yeah the map who dictates a lot
7313s what kind of brers are viable and not
7315s yeah so yeah and Spike is very
7318s vers super versatile and that's fine I
7320s think it's fine to have those versatile
7322s characters like if Spike would be bad
7324s across the board I would be quite
7325s concerned actually CU it's like well you
7328s know and then Mythic gears have been
7330s released very slowly since they were
7332s first introduced in October 2022 is
7335s there a reason why they've been
7337s releasing so slowly iation is the short
7340s answer uh they have had less priority
7342s than bigger items and because they don't
7344s have a lot of impact right yeah I mean
7346s they can have but at the end of the day
7348s like if we have the choice between a
7350s Mythic gear or a hyper charge yeah or a
7352s hypercharge it's a pretty easy decision
7354s for us currently but our plans haven't
7356s changed so we would like to get all
7357s Brawlers over time get Mythic absolutely
7360s Falcone star Reddit user I don't know if
7363s that's the part of the name or if it's
7365s was me copy pasing incorrectly anyway um
7369s I strongly feel the assistance for
7371s season 15 to 18 that involved having
7374s control of progression credits bling
7376s PowerPoint conversion have been damaged
7378s due to how star drops are currently
7380s implemented do you plan to continue this
7383s discarding deter determinism and go back
7386s to these features for sake of
7387s randomization yeah maybe just a quick
7390s one I think we want to do a mix like we
7392s want to have systems that give you some
7393s control on where you can pick and choose
7395s Brawlers you can totally do that for
7396s which Brawlers you want to level up
7397s right but we also want to have you know
7399s random rewards because hey they're
7401s they're exciting right it's exciting to
7403s maybe get a legendary or sometimes you
7405s get a hypercharge for Dynamite who you
7407s don't usually use and all of a sudden
7409s you know you might try dynamite and you
7410s might like dynamite and you can see how
7412s the cycle goes on so we want to kind of
7414s have a mix of both you saw in the diu
7416s graph like when we went fullon
7418s deterministic our diu went down yeah so
7422s so there there was a part of our player
7424s base which kept to the game and liked it
7428s but the majority of people people Al the
7429s majority of new players coming in the
7431s game they didn't mhm so having this
7433s balanc approach gives us the best out of
7436s both worlds I also like there's no plan
7439s in removing the Star Road today right
7442s there's no plan in reverting back to brw
7445s specific PowerPoints
7447s versus uh Wild Card PowerPoints so so
7451s like we feel pretty good with the
7453s current level however that still means
7456s we might in the future and as we did
7458s already you know introduce stardrops and
7460s other randomized reward mechanics and
7462s other features because it's very clear
7466s to us that a huge chunk of our player
7467s base just likes
7469s it yeah but I think like it's a good
7472s compromise like having a bit of bat like
7475s I I'm really happy that stard drop is
7477s here and it solv lot of those problem
7479s like players saying like I never got a
7482s legendary and I played this game for two
7484s years right now it's a such a the the
7487s system is a lot more fair yeah
7490s uh woodchuck a this one it's two months
7492s ago you can see here it's because like I
7494s was actually answering him on Reddit
7496s like I'm typing so much I would rather
7498s just answer on the podcast and then I
7501s actually answering that so like I
7502s promised that I would get his comment uh
7505s Hi D when people ask for infinite credit
7507s banking your team said it wouldn't be
7509s possible without more severe changes to
7511s the economy like um battle pass for
7514s money he's quoting Frank why are now
7517s getting we are getting uh the battle
7520s pass the B pass for money alongside
7522s removal the of credit banking sincerely
7525s a concerned Community member yeah I
7527s think it's a it's a fair question yeah
7529s but you you're already giving the answer
7532s yourself in the
7533s question um so I think context is super
7536s important here we just we didn't say hey
7540s if broad pass becomes a paid only pass
7543s we will change this this said we need to
7547s rework things to make this work if it's
7549s possible and the Bro pass was just one
7552s example of this but it would require
7555s much more for us to really rework it to
7557s allow for credit banking there would
7559s have to be some other systems in place
7561s we haven't even thought about so it's
7563s it's not a make one change and then oh
7566s here's credit Banking and so I feel it
7569s was taken a little bit out of context
7571s yeah yeah and I think I there was
7572s context in the in the
7574s point but I think like one thing that
7577s maybe we can um explain to the community
7580s and I think like one thing that Frank
7582s has a lot of things in his head but then
7585s he replies to the player the answer that
7588s the context is in his head right but
7590s like um it's it's very hard like it's
7594s not like a Frank problem it's like I
7595s think a Humanity problem you just see
7596s how people Comm communicate on social
7598s media they just answer whatever like
7600s they feel entitled to answer anything
7602s with the least knowledge of whatever of
7606s the topic they they have it's like when
7608s I try to answer I like I always put like
7610s a a huge wall of text because I try to
7613s like what if like you don't know the
7615s same context I do so I always try to
7617s contextualize the thing and I think like
7619s none of the the quotes Frank said on
7622s social media are incorrect all of them
7624s are accurate but it could be like maybe
7627s due to the time he said those things
7629s could be like uh more right or wrong or
7632s like um where is he coming from and
7635s things like that uh so I think appos to
7638s oranges
7640s we got it but even set the line all
7643s right even in the team on slack you are
7645s pretty blunt and uh onliner I'm a very
7649s direct blunt guy and it's like but of
7653s course it's easy to take what I say out
7654s of context yeah uh as a result of that
7657s for me it's like it's a fine line to
7659s dance on right
7661s when do do I prefer to be myself on
7663s social media when I respond yes so I'm
7666s I'm I'm typically very to the point
7668s straight forward assuming that people
7670s know some context which makes it
7672s incredibly easy for people to take what
7673s I say out of context and put it out of
7676s context you know it's like it's like
7680s okay but like you are listening and
7683s seeing Frank right now this is how it
7686s really is but the fact he puts a a
7689s punctuation at the end of his sentence
7691s makes it sound a lot harsher than he
7693s actually wow
7694s wow Grandma I'm sorry yeah but yeah
7699s things I didn't have on my bingo cards I
7701s have to apologize for use punctuation
7703s but also like uh one thing like yeah we
7706s don't have credit bank because like we
7707s believe that the design is a bit flaw if
7710s like you can actually use this mechanism
7713s to get more resources but when we
7716s changed that we actually made that the
7718s BR is already released before the season
7719s so like the that's right this credits uh
7722s get into the brawler right so we could
7724s literally just have the brawler released
7727s together with the season and then your
7728s CR are wasted are wasted yes but we do
7731s take like Community um into account all
7735s these changes and even though like maybe
7737s you felt you you got something nerfed
7740s it's still a better system um than what
7744s it could be right yeah I mean I mean
7746s like it I think the feedback is pretty
7748s clear like I think from a design
7750s perspective if you're at the end of the
7752s game and you've unlocked all Brawlers
7753s which is like less than 1% of our player
7755s base like you know we want to turn that
7759s into something else like Fame it's a
7761s flex of your tenure right like we think
7763s that's a good system to transition to
7766s not for you to watch a number go up
7768s forever which is way less engaging for
7771s some people but for most people not as
7773s much right we we do understand Fame is
7776s like you know kind of you know Bland
7778s right now so we are doing things about
7780s it it's going to get better over time
7782s but we think that's like the just the
7783s better design uh for the end of the
7786s road
7787s see I answer two months after hope you
7791s you like the yeah uh R tapy raspberries
7796s I only thought of this question also
7798s blah blah but you said some events are
7800s taken into account when you guys
7802s calculate progression events are an
7804s extra
7805s rewards what events are wait what events
7808s are extra then it's a
7811s conundrum are events only the ones in
7814s the event slots ah okay where the
7817s Christmas and lunar daily freebies extra
7820s was the bilon take down challenge extra
7823s so I think it's just a misconception of
7824s touch on it already earlier I think yeah
7827s but basically nothing is extra
7828s everything we give out to you it's maybe
7832s like if there's something bonus it's the
7833s giveaways we run right like cond like we
7837s pick like a very restricted number of
7839s players and then we give a lot of
7840s rewards to those players but everything
7842s else is taking into account like the
7844s whole economy and like using this this
7846s Universal budget everything is called
7848s calculated yeah
7851s everything yeah maybe like when we have
7853s a long maintenance and like we have to
7855s give a compensation reward or something
7857s like that's not really a part of things
7859s but yep yeah yeah everything's
7864s considered manufactur
7866s big uh I think like or Generate random
7870s name generator why why has it taken so
7874s long to implement hyper charges mytic
7877s gear are there impls to speed up the
7880s process uh as the meth is currently
7883s dominated by hypercharge prowers I guess
7885s it's a bit closer to the mytic question
7887s but I guess has the hypercharge element
7889s there yeah hey Larry and Lori didn't
7890s have a
7892s hypercharge that's not a good
7894s answer
7896s great yeah um sorry I'm sorry what has
7899s taken so long I mean you can only do so
7901s many at a time right like again the same
7904s people who are working let's say on
7905s hyper charges are the same working let's
7906s say on new Brawlers and stuff that we
7909s have to ship so we're trying to
7911s basically catch up and make as many as
7913s we can but it's not like we can drop
7915s everything yeah and make like 30 in an
7918s update like that's just it's not
7920s sustainable and you know what makes us
7922s uh possible for us to grow the game and
7924s the
7926s team
7928s money so actually like if you are if you
7930s are doing well we can like actually
7932s expand the team and deliver more content
7934s for the players that's also true what a
7937s cycle yeah please buy br
7939s so you can get more hyper charges get
7941s more Engineers so you can get more hyper
7943s charges uh then uh YouTube questions
7946s actually I look at the Instagram
7947s questions and they were very it's more
7950s more like demands rather than questions
7952s like I didn't have any Instagram
7953s questions sorry Instagram people okay um
7956s wolf then any plan change coming to the
7960s mega Pig event oh wait already but but
7962s the second part was like would be nice
7964s to have a little bit of time to select
7966s the build after everybody choose their
7967s rollers I agree yeah I think we all
7970s agree on this one it's on the to-do list
7972s yeah I think yeah uh it is now oh
7975s now no but it's it's it's a it's
7978s annoying when when you have to tell the
7981s I mean if you're sitting together yeah
7983s then you can tell like wait don't pick
7985s your braw yet but like it's not in sh
7987s you should want to lock in when you're
7988s ready like and then you should still we
7990s agree we in agreement I agree next uh
7994s yet are there any plans on doing a story
7997s uh mode feature
7999s for more lore and fresh can play like I
8001s wouldn't I I wasn't going to pick this
8003s question but it appears so many times
8005s it's understandable yeah um as we
8008s mentioned in August last year it's not
8009s on our road map for the time being um or
8014s did we mention in August that it would
8015s become a part of the road
8017s map what what
8021s PVE no I think we scraped we said that
8023s we scraped yeah so so it's like the the
8028s the we are discussing PVE regularly it's
8031s not like it's not on our minds at all
8034s but at the end of the day it always
8036s comes down to we PVP game
8038s first most people log into browsers to
8041s have PVP so that's our
8043s Focus um it doesn't mean it will never
8045s happen but it's you know like we would
8048s probably talk about it the next time we
8050s talk about our road map or something
8051s yeah if it's happening yeah but it's uh
8054s it's not a small thing it's a pretty big
8056s undertaking for the team and and it's
8058s currently not in the cards Yeah so
8061s basically like a story mode like Triple
8063s A games spend years developing this
8066s thing and then like a player finishes in
8069s 20 hours right y like it's something
8072s that it has like an investment like how
8075s much can how much work it takes from us
8077s and how much uh it does for the player
8079s so like it's very tricky maybe there's a
8082s smarter way to do a story mode but if
8084s you like it's the classic PV mode that
8086s will advance in different stages and
8088s tell story it's a lot of work
8090s yep um 28 oh maybe if you have a story
8093s mode idea just post on socials and it'll
8096s be reading
8097s absolutely uh the Titan we will make any
8101s collab with other company or game/
8105s movies oh wow that's a good question I'm
8110s not doing anything I'm not doing
8112s anything D
8113s yeah no
8117s command okay don't the answer is
8122s no okay oh no h curly bricks uh does the
8127s current High player count change how you
8129s develop the game really good does it
8132s impact development in a way that allows
8134s you to do more things you want to do
8136s uhuh it's a good question yes it's a
8139s great question um the the first part is
8143s interesting by itself but both parts are
8145s really interesting questions actually
8146s yep so the second
8148s part is easier to answer um if a game is
8151s doing
8152s well
8153s and it is doing well right now that
8156s means as a team we have more
8158s resources and that that literally means
8160s everything that means we can we can we
8164s can grow the team bigger and being
8166s confident that this is okay um I'm not
8169s sure if you're following the games
8170s industry at the moment but this year has
8172s been absolute disastrous so far um it's
8176s like thousands of people being late off
8178s this year already and this mostly
8180s happens when companies grow so much or
8182s so fast that that and then that demand
8185s goes away that they then have to save
8189s costs and decrease team sizes so at
8192s superar we've been very deliberate about
8194s team sizes in the past we've always been
8197s leaning towards smaller teams and and
8200s even in this new world where we're
8201s growing the teams a bit bigger we're
8202s still relatively small in Industry
8205s standards but yes yes it gives us the
8207s confidence to grow the team bigger which
8210s means we can do more for you guys and
8212s that means you know more game modes
8215s actually the the the guy who joined the
8217s team to develop uh 55 yeah he just
8220s joined us fairly recently and he had a
8223s super good impact shout out to
8225s yasa um absolutely amazing guy and he's
8229s developing right now the next cool thing
8230s for you guys
8233s hopefully no he is hope no he is and uh
8236s so yeah so so yes it it allows us to do
8239s more for you it allows us to do more
8242s things with Esports it allows us to run
8244s more marketing which then again has a
8247s positive impact on the player base and
8248s so on and so forth so it's uh definitely
8251s helping us actually segue to the
8253s previous question it allows us to
8255s approach other companies and say like
8257s here are our numbers you want to do a
8259s collab with us but we're definitely not
8261s doing
8262s that um but then there's also does it
8265s change how we develop the game um um
8269s maybe we ask ourselves a bit more you
8271s know what what worked should we do more
8274s of that can we formalize that a bit
8276s better y but our our plans for the first
8279s half of the year are unchanged we still
8282s have high level exactly the same plan uh
8285s we are really confident in our plans and
8289s yeah I wouldn't say it changed yet how
8292s we develop the game really good question
8294s though yeah super good question thank
8296s you kly bricks
8300s guess uh how much do you want the game
8303s to change in about five years five years
8307s any bigger plans keep growing yes that's
8309s a long time yeah five braw in five years
8312s well I mean you can look at brawl five
8313s years ago it's a very different game now
8315s yeah for sure for sure kind of about the
8317s same nowadays in terms of user numbers
8319s so there will be FAL pets uh flying cars
8325s yeah oh yeah true future yeah we we
8328s don't know like we we of course like I
8330s think we we plan one year yeah we have a
8333s rolling 12 month road map now but of
8335s course we have longer term Ambitions yes
8338s and and those Ambitions are mostly
8340s around scale how many people we have
8342s playing the game and of course we want
8344s to be bigger than our competitors I'm
8347s it's very yeah which is going to take
8349s all of uh Power world's
8353s features shout out to the competitors
8356s they make us better that is true ition
8358s is good
8360s yes um Canon Canon spard sometimes when
8364s you answer some questions like why
8366s aren't you doing this why aren't you
8368s doing that your answer is that is just
8371s AOW on your priorities what exactly
8374s forms your priority and what's the best
8376s way for the community to change it great
8379s ah they change the priority yeah yeah
8381s great question again yeah it's a great
8382s question it depends on the thing of
8384s course there's Gaz different things our
8387s priorities are not normally informed by
8388s player behaviors so consequently the
8391s best thing you can do is you can play
8394s something or not play ity or you can buy
8398s something or not buy it so so these are
8401s the the more than anything else those
8405s are the two things we care about if you
8407s stop playing then we ask ourselves why
8409s did he stop playing if you play less
8412s then we ask ourselves why do you play
8414s less if you ignore a skin and you love
8417s another one that we will that also
8419s informs our decisions yeah and our
8421s priorities so it's like so so if for
8425s example I give you a very clear example
8427s the mega pic we released the mega pit we
8429s had hopes and dreams we set 20% of our
8432s daily active users in the time where
8435s it's out should play it it ex heeded our
8438s expectations okay that's cool if it
8440s would have been only
8442s 10% that would have informed our
8444s priorities very quickly yeah because
8447s then immediately we would have started
8448s to Pivot and change on what what should
8452s our club League look like uh and we
8455s probably would have done something very
8457s different so that's a good example I
8459s guess yeah and I think like it's not
8461s that we are oblivious to whatever
8462s Community is saying on socials like we
8464s read that a lot and I keep I'm the one
8467s bringing that up in every meeting and uh
8469s every time possible but like you can see
8472s how dangerous can can these be like if
8475s you look at the graph when we introduce
8476s masteries and bling right the community
8478s sentiment was like over the roof like
8479s everybody was super happy it's like brao
8482s is the best de thing in the world and
8484s like oh no we are not because look at
8486s our numbers yeah and then to the point
8489s that like if we would have leas on the
8491s community and double down on the what
8493s we're doing we would we might have
8495s killed the game maybe yeah yeah but like
8498s being like like we we were pretty low in
8501s last year we were so low for super sa
8504s standards still pretty big yes that's
8506s but uh still but but yeah for for our
8509s standards it felt low yeah and I think
8512s uh like we do a lot of things to the
8515s community based on community feedback
8516s like we look at the ideas suggestions we
8519s look when they report bugs they report
8521s balance change uh suggestions uh
8524s Supercell make is a purely uh Community
8528s Driven thing this podcast like who else
8530s was going to watch like it's only the
8532s highly engaged people right it's already
8534s two and 36 minutes long 2x
8540s speed no 2x then is maybe you can't
8543s understand me so uh but yeah like um we
8547s we listen to you
8549s hammad why have the amount of challenges
8552s decreased sign signific s can't read
8555s anymore significant a lot I know there
8558s are are the uh I know there are the
8561s events every other month but the changes
8565s were the challenges it was not only me
8569s yeah um but the challenge were really
8571s fun it's like why did the challenge
8573s decrease yeah it's a it's actually we we
8577s tried out challenges quite a bit we even
8579s had this this catchup week where you
8581s could play all the challenges again Etc
8583s what we see or what we saw is the more
8587s frequently we run a challenge the less
8589s the participation yeah so challenges
8591s running more challenges is just not good
8594s for the participation of those
8596s challenges so we are not removing
8600s challenges we even want to develop
8601s challenges maybe further in the future
8604s but it's uh it's important that it's a
8606s more balanced mix with other things now
8608s we have the mega pic on Mega P weekends
8610s you won't see
8611s challenges um then we have other
8614s community events we we you know from the
8616s chroma no more to braw together uh to
8620s the next thing we also have now
8622s calendars like the for the lunar brawl
8624s one we had the calendar you know so
8627s there's always something going on and in
8629s the future there will probably other
8630s things coming to the mix so that
8633s challenges will be probably a bit more
8635s rare um of course during the broad star
8638s Esports the broad broad star
8641s Championship challenges that means from
8643s March on every month there will be a
8644s challenge for the next five
8647s months yes something like this yeah five
8649s month am I getting that right yeah five
8651s months um and there will be some other
8653s challenges as well so yeah that's pretty
8656s much it yeah how how you use the
8658s resources we are giving away in a
8660s smarter way we already touched on that
8662s uh Eric Molina R Molina uh did 55 meet
8667s your expectations I personally would
8668s love to see it as a weekend
8671s event okay it's so fun and I personally
8674s think it's way better than the current
8676s weekend uh game modes well it's kind of
8679s like now nowadays it's kind of like a a
8681s weekend
8682s event uh did it meet your expectations
8686s yeah I would say so yeah I think it's
8688s really cool and uh we're not removing it
8690s from the game so it uh we keep doing 5v5
8694s occasionally on weekends yeah even
8696s beyond the
8697s season cool oh it's the last one
8700s timekeeper uh bit late not going to lie
8703s but hopefully I can squeeze the did you
8706s did you choose this user timekeeper at
8708s the end of our yeah
8711s nice uh no are you all planning to ever
8715s do a brawler concept competition in the
8717s near
8717s future uh where the community can make a
8720s completely new brother I think it will
8721s be make the community Bond and have
8725s fun that does sound really fun I did uh
8729s talk about that when they asked to Super
8730s S wake to have a brawler like I
8733s personally feel that will be amazing not
8736s like we shouldn't do a lot but I'm
8738s saying out loud now here and suggesting
8741s maybe we should I think it would be
8742s really cool what do you guys think yeah
8745s I think it sounds really fun sounds in
8747s interesting it's It's tricky because
8749s like normally we have a pretty clear
8751s idea on what we want to achieve with a
8753s brawler and why we do a brawler but I
8756s could maybe it's not quite as extreme
8758s but I could see a world where a brawler
8760s becomes like a a um a build your own
8764s teddy bear kind of exercise where we we
8767s where we give the Community
8769s Options and and by by voting for example
8773s they could pick and choose from some
8775s options we've given there needs to be
8778s some limitation I think yeah there needs
8779s to be some sort of limitations I mean
8781s you see that with the Skins already in
8784s super make that it's it's really tricky
8787s yeah
8789s um and I like I could see this being a
8792s total nightmare for a braw to be honest
8795s it could but I think yeah like some
8796s guidelines maybe like we need an
8798s assessing and it has to be Mythic um and
8801s then has to be from the trio of Willow
8803s something like that maybe like if we
8805s keep those guidelines cuz yeah I think
8807s if it's like totally free like how how
8810s can you pick yeah how can you pick sure
8812s so I guess you have to give to to do
8814s some limitations yeah it's hard it's
8815s like you can totally imagine like the
8818s competitive players coming up with
8820s something totally smart and like genius
8824s but most players are not really going to
8825s Care prob just farts they'll probably
8828s vote for that one right like and yeah I
8831s think you have to like design the
8833s curation bit yeah just fart less or more
8840s anyway that was the last question cool
8843s um thank you everyone for being here
8845s thank you players for asking those
8847s questions and actually I was surprised
8848s on how they were super polite I was
8850s expecting like super angry questions I
8853s got one just to get an example but a lot
8855s of the questions were really yeah
8856s pondera and they they were very nice
8859s yeah nice well out put uh thank you Jeff
8862s thank you Adrian thank you Frank thanks
8864s Donny thank you dny thank you Danny
8865s thank you for playing the game thank you
8867s being here because they think this poor
8870s cameraman is sit there for like same two
8874s hours and a okay thank you so much thank
8876s thank you guys byebye
8880s [Music]
8887s byebye