about 4 years
ago -
Direct link
You can't post the log here, but you can post it online somewhere like a file sharing website or a cloud drive, then I can take a look.
Here's a few sites you can upload it to, which do not require you to sign up first:
https://uploadfiles.io/ - free, no sign-up, can handle large log files
https://paste.ee/ - fast, no sign-up required (some log files will be too large for it though)
https://zerobin.net/ - bit clunky, but can handle huge files, no sign-up required
Here's a few sites you can upload it to, which do not require you to sign up first:
https://uploadfiles.io/ - free, no sign-up, can handle large log files
https://paste.ee/ - fast, no sign-up required (some log files will be too large for it though)
https://zerobin.net/ - bit clunky, but can handle huge files, no sign-up required