almost 5 years
ago -
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Steam had an issue a week or so ago, where downloads would get "stuck" and had to be cleared. Ofc that shouldn't affect stuff you've been subscribed to for a while, but might be worth checking just in case.
In the Steam Client, check the Downloads page. Is the download stuck there? Perhaps with a "Missing Downloaded Files" error?
If so, that happens on occasion, it's a corrupted temp download file. If you've got the Missing Downloaded Files error, try this:
1. Close down steam completely (so Steam > Exit in the upper left menu),
2. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop.
3. Delete the Downloads folder.
4. Then restart Steam. Resume the download if needed.
5. If that didn't help, hover over the "Missing Download Files" text and note the Steam ID. (the string of numbers).
6. Repeat step 1 and 2.
7. Open the 255710 folder.
8. Delete the folder with the mod's SteamID.
9. Repeat step 3 and 4.
This will not affect your game, saves or workshop items. All you'll be deleting is a temporary file that's stored during the download. Normally this file is moved to the Workshop folder once completed, but because it's corrupt Steam doesn't recognize it and it stays in the Downloads folder.
In the Steam Client, check the Downloads page. Is the download stuck there? Perhaps with a "Missing Downloaded Files" error?
If so, that happens on occasion, it's a corrupted temp download file. If you've got the Missing Downloaded Files error, try this:
1. Close down steam completely (so Steam > Exit in the upper left menu),
2. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop.
3. Delete the Downloads folder.
4. Then restart Steam. Resume the download if needed.
5. If that didn't help, hover over the "Missing Download Files" text and note the Steam ID. (the string of numbers).
6. Repeat step 1 and 2.
7. Open the 255710 folder.
8. Delete the folder with the mod's SteamID.
9. Repeat step 3 and 4.
This will not affect your game, saves or workshop items. All you'll be deleting is a temporary file that's stored during the download. Normally this file is moved to the Workshop folder once completed, but because it's corrupt Steam doesn't recognize it and it stays in the Downloads folder.