almost 5 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
You need to subscribe to the save on the workshop to update it. This guide explains how to update files on the workshop. The process is the same for saves, though ofc your save is stored in a different folder than local assets.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Planned post-release. Might see it in Beta or at release. Depends on how things work out.
about 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by weaponspec: Agreed, workshop isn't necessary. But can someone say where the modding community is most active? 7dtd forumes? ?
I would go with the modding section of the forum first.
Then the mod website created by one of our modders second.
And some people like Nexus, but IMHO Nexus is only good if you were linked there from one of the first two because they are using it for file hosting. A lot of the mods there are either poorly coded, blatant plagiarism of mods from the first two sources, or are obsolete.
10 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
There is a Pinned topic in the Modding section, and details in the Developer Diary, and information on the posted roadmap which was recently in Events and Announcement.

Please take the time to look around before starting a thread so that you don't clutter the forum with duplicated information.