about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by tribalhot:
Originally posted by AquilaSol:

If this is not the issue you're having, please make your own thread. ;) People will be able to help you more directly, instead of hijacking a different case. ;)

I think it's an overlapping problem, I've had the same issues with mods not downloading.

Since the mods are downloading and showing up in game for you, it seems unlikely to be the same issue. But you can try the last steps AquilaSol listed and see if that fixes any mods that aren't working.

And ofc make sure you don't have any old broken mods: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mVFkj_7ij4FLzKs2QJaONNmb9Z-SRqUeG6xFGqEX1ew/edit?usp=sharing

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