almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by pviva: does an asset load anyway when a prop what is used for that does not work ?
for example a park, but the fence does not work, does it appear without the fence ?

Yup, it works just fine. I have lots of props or trees I didn't get on purpose, because I didn't want them used in the building (like a palm tree that doesn't fit in my Northern European city).

Missing assets are not something you need to worry about unless you find they are actually missing - so if you place a building and it looks wrong or you feel like you're missing trees/props, then it's worth finding those. But if not, then just ignore them all.

If you do want to track down some assets, the Loading Screen Mod makes this pretty easy. In Options you can enable a report, which will then contain a list of all the missing items and links to their workshop pages. It also lists what building they are missing from. So if you're looking for the fence that was used in FancyPark5 for example, you can find that one specifically, and ignore the rest of the missing items. :)

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