over 2 years
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Did you select "New Scenario" between saving each time? Or did you make some changes to the one you had open and saved it as a new scenario?
Originally posted by Abu: Using both the -noWorkshop and -disableMods launch arguments, I built up a new city to a population of 1157. From the save, I created a new scenario with the win condition being Build a Service Building->Wind Turbine and the lose condition being Population below 1150.
Once I created one, I created nine more by selecting New Scenario in the pause menu, using the same win/loss conditions. With each new scenario, I placed a few different trees in different places to make the maps differ from one another.
After creating all of those, I went through and lost them by bulldozing a few houses. Once the box popped up saying I lost, I clicked Retry then won the scenario by placing a wind turbine. In the win prompt, I clicked the button to go back to the main menu and did the same with the other nine scenarios I created.
Alas, the achievement is still locked. I wonder if a recent patch inadvertently affected the unlocking criteria somehow.
Originally posted by Tiger Daddy: I have the same problem. I created 15 new scenarios on all different maps. Altered all the maps. each one has a different scenario. Still can't unlock the achievement. IDK what i'm doing wrong. Should be an easy one.