about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Did you select "New Scenario" between saving each time? Or did you make some changes to the one you had open and saved it as a new scenario?
about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Creating a new one each time successfully triggered the achievement for me, though just to be safe I also had the launch options -noWorkshop and -disableMods in place in Steam.
about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
I used placing a service building as a win condition, and having a population below 5 as losing condition. I also used a save and not an empty map, and the save was created using no mods. (just a tiny city)
about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by Abu: Using both the -noWorkshop and -disableMods launch arguments, I built up a new city to a population of 1157. From the save, I created a new scenario with the win condition being Build a Service Building->Wind Turbine and the lose condition being Population below 1150.

Once I created one, I created nine more by selecting New Scenario in the pause menu, using the same win/loss conditions. With each new scenario, I placed a few different trees in different places to make the maps differ from one another.

After creating all of those, I went through and lost them by bulldozing a few houses. Once the box popped up saying I lost, I clicked Retry then won the scenario by placing a wind turbine. In the win prompt, I clicked the button to go back to the main menu and did the same with the other nine scenarios I created.

Alas, the achievement is still locked. I wonder if a recent patch inadvertently affected the unlocking criteria somehow.

I did the test yesterday with the live version of the game. I didn't test the scenarios, the achievement popped as soon as I saved the 10th scenario. I also didn't do anything to decorate the map differently, so that isn't a factor.

Did you have the same win condition for each scenario? Or did you vary the required service building each time?
about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by Tiger Daddy: I have the same problem. I created 15 new scenarios on all different maps. Altered all the maps. each one has a different scenario. Still can't unlock the achievement. IDK what i'm doing wrong. Should be an easy one.

Did you select "New Scenario" between each time as well? Any mods running which might affect things? If so try adding the launch options -noWorkshop and -disableMods to Steam.

Last thing I can think of would be that Steam needs to be in online mode and the overlay enabled.
about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Just wanted to pop in to say I tried unlocking the achievement on my other account and got stuck in the same situation as you. I did pretty much the same as the first time, but this time around no achievement. Thanks for the reports! I'll pass on the info so we can investigate this further.

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