almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
The link will not show us your list of subscribed items. Only you can see that, and it will just take us to our down subscriptions.

The easiest way for us to see your subscribed mods, is for you to share your output log (called player.log on Mac and Linux) somewhere and link to it here. It will show us all your mods along with their Steam ID, so we also know which versions.

To easily find the local files for the game, right click your game in the Steam library, select Properties, go to the Local Files tab and select Browse local files.


Mac OS X

~/.config/unity3d/Colossal Order/Cities: Skylines/Player.log

Here's a few sites you can upload the file to, which do not require you to sign up first: - free, no sign-up, can handle large log files - fast, no sign-up required (some log files will be too large for it though) - bit clunky, but can handle huge files, no sign-up required
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
I see you have the No Problem Notifications mod. Depending on how many notifications you use it for, I would disable it temporarily to make sure you aren't missing some notifications, which would explain why your buildings aren't operating.

I also noticed a couple of old mods, which you should unsubscribe from:
- Ireland Terrain Theme - you don't have the dependency mod, so there's no point in having this. Better to find a map theme that works for you.
- Demand Master - dynamic demand is broken, use Super Demand instead

Recent Cities: Skylines Posts

12 months ago - CO_Avanya
12 months ago - CO_Avanya