almost 5 years
ago -
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Deep breath, it's gonna be okay! *hug* If you have a savegame, then you can get everything back almost as it was. Cities: Skylines keeps track of what you were subscribed to when playing a save and it has a button to subscribe to everything again.
Start the game and go to the Content Manager from the Main Menu. Go to the Savegames and find your latest savegame. Then click the Subscribe All button and wait. This might take a long while. If the game crashes or it gets stuck on the process, just shut the game down and repeat until everything is subscribed again.
Keep in mind that it will subscribe to things you might have removed, so check mods and assets once it's done. The game doesn't keep track of what was removed over time, it just keeps a list of EVERYTHING that you were subscribed to at some point while playing that save. So if you switched to for example a newer version of a mod, it will subscribe to both, which can cause problems.
If you do end up having problems after subscribing to everything, just come back here and we'll help you sort it out. :)
Start the game and go to the Content Manager from the Main Menu. Go to the Savegames and find your latest savegame. Then click the Subscribe All button and wait. This might take a long while. If the game crashes or it gets stuck on the process, just shut the game down and repeat until everything is subscribed again.
Keep in mind that it will subscribe to things you might have removed, so check mods and assets once it's done. The game doesn't keep track of what was removed over time, it just keeps a list of EVERYTHING that you were subscribed to at some point while playing that save. So if you switched to for example a newer version of a mod, it will subscribe to both, which can cause problems.
If you do end up having problems after subscribing to everything, just come back here and we'll help you sort it out. :)