almost 2 years
ago -
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If you use mods please check your mods against the list of broken mods, both the first tab and especially the tab named Patch 1.17.0. The list is constantly updated as mod issues are discovered, so I recommend checking regularly if you use mods.
If you don't use mods, then please make a report on our support forum so we can look into this. We need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) and your save, which cannot be attached here on Steam.
Depending on your operating system the log can be found here:
If you don't use mods, then please make a report on our support forum so we can look into this. We need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) and your save, which cannot be attached here on Steam.
Depending on your operating system the log can be found here:
Mac OS X
~/.config/unity3d/Colossal Order/Cities: Skylines/Player.log