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when start loading the game it just crashes im using epic games any fixes i have the right specs just keeps crashing

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over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Looks like your game is running out of memory. Make sure to set up a custom size pagefile. I recommend setting it to 32 GB, and make sure you have more than enough space for it on the harddisk it's set to. This guide explains how to set it up.

over 4 years ago - Mandy - Direct link
For Technical Support please visit the Official Forums for assistance as we no longer have a sub forum dedicated to this on Steam.

about 4 years ago - [DE]Zach - Direct link
Hey Tenno!

To fix this as soon as possible, please create a support ticket with us at support.warframe.com. This will get you in contact with our support team, and as soon as they are available, they will assist you with your issue!

All the best,

about 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link


We are aware of some current issues causing players to crash and have a planned update for Monday that will hopefully resolve these issues. However, should your problems persist after this patch please do open a ticket via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new

Our team can then take a close look. :)


over 2 years ago - UbiMark - Direct link
Hello Operators,

Sorry to hear that your game keeps crashing.

Can you please try the troubleshooting steps in this article[support.ubi.com]? It will help to eliminate any potential software conflicts.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

- Ubisoft Support
15 days ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally posted by Pdiddy: Whenever i try to load up the test severs or even normal siege. it keeps crashing, no matter what i do it wont let me play the game. siege loads up about half way to three quarters, then it just crashes. I NEED HELP!!!!!
Hey there,

Sorry to hear that when you try to load in your encounter a crash.

To rule out some common causes of issues I have some tips I would advise trying below:

- Ensure your PC meets all system requirements [www.ubisoft.com] for Siege.
- Ensure you have Ubisoft Connect [ubi.li] installed and updated
- Try to have both the game and Ubisoft Connect and Steam on the same drive
- Add Ubisoft Connect and the game to your anti-virus/firewall whitelist
- Complete the steps in our dedicated troubleshooting guide [ubi.li]
- Launch Ubisoft Connect, Steam and Siege using admin rights [ubi.li] to ensure permissions are granted.

Should this persist, would it be possible to share your system specs?

Many thanks