almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Does this also happen on a new city if you use the launch options -noWorkshop and -disableMods?
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Best place to start with mods is to compare your mods to this list of known broken and incompatible mods:

If you don't have any, or removing any mods on the list doesn't help, then you can post your output log (player.log on Mac and Linux). It lists all your mods and any errors that might be, which could explain what you're seeing. Then we might be able to give some pointers as to what mods might affect things.

This guide explains where to find the log and suggests some sites you can upload it to, as we can't attach files here on Steam.
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
My best guess would be one of these mods are misbehaving:

  • Advanced Buildings Editor - not made for use in the city, I recommend completely unsubscribing when you aren't using it.
  • DistrictStats - hasn't been updated after Industries came out and might affect the same code as the area overview

On another note, Plop the Growables and Disable Zone Check are incompatible and break each other. You should remove one of them.

Transport Line Manager and Improved Public Transport are also incompatible, so again pick one and remove the other.

Prop Switcher and Prop It Up are incompatible too. I recommend using Prop Switcher - while it doesn't support trees atm, it is being updated and worked on, while Prop It Up is abandoned.

If that doesn't solve the issue, let me know. I can at least narrow down what mods it might then be by excluding the ones I use, so you won't have to test all your mods. :)
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
I just noticed you have both versions of the Loading Screen Mod. You definitely only want one of them. I recommend using the normal one and unsubscribing the [Test] version. I'm not sure if that could be the cause, but definitely something that needs fixing.

Making the list I noticed you have ScaleUI - try unsubscribing that before any on the long list below

Hmm, okay. Here's all the ones I'm not using in my setup, so since I don't have the issue, it should be related to one of them.

- CrazyTouristFix
- AdvancedOutsideConnection
- Node Spacer
- Dropouts Sunset Fix
- Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
- Adjust Pathfinding
- Zoom It
- Tides
- Other Rail Track Speed Increaser
- PropRotating Params
- Custom Animation Loader
- Set your own Start Money amount
- Customize It Extended
- Tree Movement Control
- Unlock All Roads
- Stops & Stations
- Sprague To Metro
- Measure It
- Zone It
- More Advanced District Snapping
- [ Backward Compatibility ] New Roads For Network Extension 2 (You can't disable this one if you used roads from it in the save)
- Road Removal Tool
- More Advanced OptionsPanel
- Monitor It
- Employ Overeducated Workers
- Real Time (removing can break the save, see the mod's description for how to remove if you need to test without it)
- Show It
- Resize It
- Configure Outside Connections' Limits
- Realistic Walking Speed
- Better Cemetery AI
- Auto Line Color
- Roads United Core 2 (and any texture packs)
- Touch This Tool
- Unlock Tracks
- Ticket Price Customizer
- SingleTrainTrackAI
- Extended Game Options
- RiverCargoHarborMod
- Vehicle Effects
- Extra Vehicle Effects
- No Pillars (You don't need this mod since you have Fine Road Tool/Anarchy and Zone It)
- DistrictStats
- Emergency Light Changer
- Elevated Stops Enabler
- Any Road Outside Connections
- Ship Path Anarchy
- Map Editor Tunnels
- Spawn/Unspawn Positions Swapper
- Unlimited Trees Mod
- No Tree Brush Slope Limit
- Unlimited Outside Connections
- More Network Stuff
- Crossings
- Hide TMPE crosswalks
- Vehicle Wealthizer 3
- Anxiety Reducer 2
- Trees' Respiration 2
- Electric Roads Mod
- Custom Zone Mixer
- TrailerVariation Loader
- Building Usage
- Demographics: Jobs and Employees
- Geli-Districts v3.1
- Font Selector
- Procedural Objects
- Enhanced Mouse Light
- Building Vehicle Manager
- Emergency Lights Manager V2
- ScaleUI
- TerrainRiverTool
- Toggle It
- Metro Replacer

And I see I missed [Legacy] Segment Slope Smoother in the first round. It's old and shouldn't be used anymore. Move It does this.

Resize It and More Advanced Toolbar are also incompatible. You never want 2 mods that does the same thing.

If ScaleUI isn't the cause, then I'm afraid you'll have to dig through which mods might be causing it. The fastest way to do that when you have no idea which ones it might be, is to disable half of the ones you're testing (so the list above), test and see if the problem is still there. If it is, disable half of the ones still enabled. If it's gone, enable half of the ones you just disabled. Restart the game between each test and keep going until you narrow it down to the mod that's triggering it.

Crossing fingers it's ScaleUI! Otherwise best of luck finding it. Hopefully it won't take too much testing. :/

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