over 5 years ago - Azure - Direct link
Watch live at https://www.youtube.com/citiesskylinesofficial OR www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive

Last year we held the first ever Global Build-Off, and now we're back for another round of world class city building!

Join us at the first livestream of PDXcon, live from Berlin, Germany! We're bringing together some of the greatest city builders of all time for a build off of epic proportions.

The format is different this time, in order to accomodate more contestants and better showcase their creativity and skill.

The Competition:
  1. Each competitor will build a University in a pre-built city. The University can be built anywhere on the map! Contestants can use any set of mods or custom assets they wish.
  2. Each competitor will create a spotlight video of their University in which they show off their work.
  3. During the livestream, the contestants will provide live commentary while their video plays for the audience
  4. A panel of Judges will discuss the entry and score it, and then give out prizes!
The Prizes: Grand Prize:
  1. NVIDIA RTX 2080
  2. i9 9700k Intel CPU
The Contestants:
  1. PHTN Gaming
  2. Strictoaster
  3. Czardus
  4. ImperialJedi
  5. Pres
  6. Skibitth
  7. TheTimeister
  8. SimNation
  9. Titan