almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Is it on a default map or a workshop map? And can you upload the save, so we can take a look? To do that, go into Content Manager, find Savegames, find the save and click the Upload button. Then post the link to its workshop page here.
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Hmm, it took a while where nothing happened, but in September (in game) cars finally made it to the city. Try and leave it running for a long while and see if they start showing up. If they aren't coming from the closest outside connection, they have to take a long road around because of the way the map is designed. Definitely gets you sitting there for a while worried that something is wrong.

If you make it into October and no vehicles arrive, then there's something up with your game, that we'd need to solve. Then I'll need your output log (player.log on Mac and Linux) to see might be happening. This guide explains where to find it and suggests some sites to upload it to, as we can't attach files here on Steam.

But definitely worth letting it run longer. It feels like forever even at 3x speed, but they did make it there eventually.

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