about 6 years
ago -
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Hope you all love this new content and bug fixing patch we put together for you! Have some happy holidays, and we look forward to bringing you more content in 2019!
If you'd like to read our full Dev Diary, head over to our official forums to hear from us directly!
Dev Diary Part 1[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
Dev Diary Part 2[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
Base Game
- New landmark: Winter Festival Market
- Fixed: Paradox Interactive Account linking
- Fixed: News feed in the main menu doesn't refresh after switching game language
- Fixed: Possible Memory and Performance leak
- Fixed: Parks and recreation policy missing the cost information
- Fixed: Two notification icons do not switch to red when notification turns critical
Carols, Candles and Candy DLC
- Added 3 new Christmas songs Added new Chirper hat
- After Dark DLC
- Fixed: Taxi Depot has too high Noise Pollution
- Snowfall DLC
- Added 2 new winter theme maps, Winter Hills and Frozenshire
- Fixed: Notification tooltip for 'Not enough heat' is overflown from the screen in RU
Green Cities DLC
- Fixed: Self-sufficient buildings do not complain about high taxes
- Fixed: Chirp about Organic and Local district has a text issue.
ParkLife DLC
- Balanced Park Areas entertainment value
- Fixed: Park Areas remove the effect of Park Area Building Entertainment value
- Fixed: Park Tile naming is not cohesive Fixed: Zoo Paths are missing text in winter themes
- Fixed: Nature Reserve Ground Tiles thumbnail is incorrect in Winter theme maps
Industries DLC
- Fixed: Cargo planes circle and use buildings that do not otherwise have any plane traffic
- Fixed: Zoned industry buildings are missing notification tooltips when building does not have enough resources
- Fixed: Raw Forest Products is cut off in PL in Industry Area Info Panel, extractors' and processing buildings' info panels Fixed: "Flours" should be renamed to "Flour"
- Fixed: What's New Panel Post City Service slide has a text issue
- Fixed: The appearance selection of Industry Buildings with multiple appearances should be remembered when building new buildings
- Fixed: Vehicles can't cross the center line of Small Industry roads
- Fixed: Player does not get income from Exporting Industry Goods through Ship/Train/Plane connections
- Fixed: Unique Factories' glass resource is using 'or' instead of 'and' in the tooltip
- Fixed: Car Factory has no audio
- Fixed: Area level-up panel is not fully localized when Player is using Unlock All Mod
- Fixed: Area level-up panel has incorrect text when Player is using Unlock All Mod
- Fixed: When Player has Unlock All mod enable there shouldn't be any Level-up panel shown at the start of the game
- Fixed: Unique Factories "Production Rate" slider affects the available trucks for the Unique Factory
- Fixed: Tooltip for UFPANEL_MATERIALCOST and UFPANEL_PRODUCTIONVALUE are mixed between each other
- Fixed: ZH Synthetic Dawn Radio and Industries DLC Tooltips are not fully translated
- Fixed: Tooltip for total upkeep for a Industry Area info panel is not implemented
- Fixed: Offshore Assets achievement description can be misleading
- Fixed: RU "Exporting Unique Factory products" vehicle status overflows Fixed: Unique Factory Product in Custom Made Unique Factories are missing it's correct string (fixed only in EN)
- Fixed: Raw Materials Storage outside of an Industry Area does not have expenses from importing Raw Materials