over 1 year ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
Mods break when there is an update because the code they reference changes. Sometimes this is because we fix a bug, sometimes we add a new feature, and sometimes due to optimizations. While I understand that not everyone sees the value in these updates, they are part of our support for the game. And for players who do not mod the game, these are highly requested.

We work with our modding community providing early access to modders so they are able to prepare updates, but these aren't instantly available. The modders need to manually update their mods, and as modding is a hobby they are often at work/school, asleep, or have other real-life commitments when a patch goes live - and as our modders come from all over the world this is always the case no matter what time of day we patch the game. Please be patient as they get a chance to update mods.

Reverting game updates is not something we offer for Cities: Skylines as it wouldn't solve anything, it would just push the issues onto the modders plate. When the mods update for the new version, they reference the new game code, so they would also be broken on the older version of the game.

I understand it's frustrating to not be able to play the game, but unfortunately, troubleshooting is part of the deal when you mod a game that's still supported and receiving updates. We have an amazing modding community who do their best to make it as smooth for you all as possible, and we have a pinned thread to bring you the info you need to determine when it's safe to open modded games. But it does take usually about a day to a few days - in the meantime you can always check out the new content in the unmodded game using the -noWorkshop and/or -disableMods launch options.


Recent Cities: Skylines Posts

about 1 year ago - CO_Avanya