almost 6 years
ago -
Direct link
With the release of Campus expansion, we're here to help you with any issues you might have!
How to know if it's a mod or game issue? Simple!
Then start a new game. If the problem is gone - it was mods! If the problem remains, it's the game.
Next steps - how to fix it!
IF IT'S A MOD ISSUE As with all updates, there is a brief period of instability while mods are being updated. Usually this doesn't take long! Special thanks to Avanya for keeping a list of updated/broken mods here:
List of Working / Broken Mods
Please be patient with mod creators!
You can also get some advice and help from our YouTube tutorial, made by Strictoaster:
Lastly, @leaderofthemonkeys will be hosting a mod troubleshooting/help stream tonight around 7pm CEST here on Steam:
or at Twitch:
IF IT'S A GAME ISSUE In this case, it's our game. We're sorry for the frustration! Yes, we do lots of quality assurance, but some things slip through the cracks. We're going to work extra hard to make this right. But first we need more info from you!
There are tens of thousands of different PC setups, so reproducing an issue isn't always easy.
Please go to this forum and fill out this Bug Report Form where our dev and QA teams are actively recording issues
You MAY not get a direct reply from me (Azure) or our team. But rest assured, we saw it. There's just not much point is on responding to every person who has an issue. Please don't be offended!
I will, however, keep a running list of Known Issues, so you can see the status of various bugs and expected fixes.
From our team to you, THANKS for your patience! We hope you love Campus =)
How to know if it's a mod or game issue? Simple!
- Go to your Steam library
- Right click on Cities: Skylines and select "Properties"
- Set Launch Options...
- Type in --noWorkshop
Then start a new game. If the problem is gone - it was mods! If the problem remains, it's the game.
Next steps - how to fix it!
IF IT'S A MOD ISSUE As with all updates, there is a brief period of instability while mods are being updated. Usually this doesn't take long! Special thanks to Avanya for keeping a list of updated/broken mods here:
List of Working / Broken Mods
Please be patient with mod creators!
You can also get some advice and help from our YouTube tutorial, made by Strictoaster:
Lastly, @leaderofthemonkeys will be hosting a mod troubleshooting/help stream tonight around 7pm CEST here on Steam:
or at Twitch:
IF IT'S A GAME ISSUE In this case, it's our game. We're sorry for the frustration! Yes, we do lots of quality assurance, but some things slip through the cracks. We're going to work extra hard to make this right. But first we need more info from you!
There are tens of thousands of different PC setups, so reproducing an issue isn't always easy.
Please go to this forum and fill out this Bug Report Form where our dev and QA teams are actively recording issues
You MAY not get a direct reply from me (Azure) or our team. But rest assured, we saw it. There's just not much point is on responding to every person who has an issue. Please don't be offended!
I will, however, keep a running list of Known Issues, so you can see the status of various bugs and expected fixes.
From our team to you, THANKS for your patience! We hope you love Campus =)