almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
The first thing I would check is if you're close to or at the vehicle limit. That would explain why they aren't receiving anything. You can check it with the mod CSL Show More Limits.

If you aren't close to the vehicle limit, then something else is up. The game picks the fastest route for cargo (or anything else), not considering traffic at all. So if raw materials aren't coming through your cargo station, then that's not the fastest route. Maybe they are coming from elsewhere in your city and get stuck in traffic? Maybe they are coming through the highway instead and take too long? Screenshots of the areas having problems might make it easier for us to help you narrow down the cause.
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by AKscene:
Originally posted by Avanya: The first thing I would check is if you're close to or at the vehicle limit. That would explain why they aren't receiving anything. You can check it with the mod CSL Show More Limits.

If you aren't close to the vehicle limit, then something else is up. The game picks the fastest route for cargo (or anything else), not considering traffic at all. So if raw materials aren't coming through your cargo station, then that's not the fastest route. Maybe they are coming from elsewhere in your city and get stuck in traffic? Maybe they are coming through the highway instead and take too long? Screenshots of the areas having problems might make it easier for us to help you narrow down the cause.
Hi there, I have checked everything over and over but I cannot find what is stopping the cargo trains from spawning and if they do, why they will NOT STOP at the cargo station. I enclose my savegame if you have the time or inclination to have a look and advise me. I appreciate your time and help thus far.

I see the Enhanced District Services as a mod used in this save. It has some issues currently with outside connections. Best to unsubscribe it and see if you still have issues then.

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