about 2 years ago - CO_Avanya - Direct link
The first thing to check is the direction of your taxiways. Make sure there are ways for planes to enter and exit all plane stands.

The next thing to check is if the map has plane connections, which you will likely have determined at least after getting the mods.

While City Attractiveness absolutely affects how many tourists will come to your city, you should see at least some traffic in your airport - even if tourists are just passing through.

And a note on mods like More Network Stuff and Unlimited Outside Connections: Editing the outside connections for a map can be fiddly business and in some cases end up breaking things more than fixing them. I recommend keeping this to a bare minimum. As long as the map has plane connections you do not need these mods to get a working airport. Whatever the cause of no planes arriving it is likely elsewhere.

Recent Cities: Skylines Posts

12 months ago - CO_Avanya
12 months ago - CO_Avanya