over 3 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Check your storages, they are probably full or close to full with all trucks busy exporting. You need more storage until you have at least a few of each type set to Balanced, that do not get full and always have a handful of trucks available.

over 3 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by SkitaleC: Warehouses have a higher priority for export than delivery for processing ?!

Not quite. The way things work is that processing buildings send out a request for resources. Warehouses can then respond - if they have trucks available.

Meanwhile warehouses will aim to stay at a level according to their settings. If they're too full they will export, if they're too empty they will import (if possible). I recommend you read the guide I linked. I know it's a bit long, but it explains how everything works, and why having enough storage is so important. :)

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