about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
With the release of Sunset Harbor, we're here to help you with any issues you might have!

How to know if it's a mod or game issue? Simple!
  1. Go to your Steam library
  2. Right click on Cities: Skylines and select "Properties"
  3. Set Launch Options...
  4. Type in --noWorkshop

Here's a more detailed guide!

Then start a new game. If the problem is gone - it was mods! If the problem remains, it's the game.

Next steps - how to fix it!

IF IT'S A MOD ISSUE As with all updates, there is a brief period of instability while mods are being updated. Usually this doesn't take long! Please see this thread for updates on what mods are currently broken and waiting for updates: https://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/discussions/0/1870623125774285868/

List of Working / Broken Mods

A special thank you to AquilaSol for making and updating this list!

Please be patient with mod creators - they spend their free time making mods and don't always have time right at launch. :)

You can also get some advice and help from our YouTube tutorial, made by Strictoaster:


IF IT'S A GAME ISSUE The QA team do their best to test the game before launch, but with tens of thousands of different PC setups, unexpected things happen. Sorry for any frustration this is causing you!

Please go to this forum and fill out this Bug Report Form

The devs and QA team are actively recording issues, even if you don't get a response! Please include as much detail in your report as you can to help narrow down the issue, so it can be fixed ASAP.

COMMON ISSUES Running out of memory Easy to spot in the error.log - usually the pagefile will have ~100MB or less free, which is why the game crashes. Setting up a custom size pagefile of 32 GB (32000 MB since pagefiles are measured in MB) usually fixes this. If the pagefile is already set that high, reduce the amount of workshop content.
- Guide to setting up a pagefile

Citrix Workspace The output_log.txt (or player.log on Mac and Linux) looks like this:
Initialize engine version: 5.6.6f2 (6bac21139588)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Cities_Skylines;D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Cities_Skylines;C:/WINDOWS;C:/WINDOWS/system32;SRV*C:/websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 530
OS-Version: 10.0.17134 () 0x300-0x1
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities.exe:Cities.exe (00007FF68B9D0000), size: 23814144 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities.exe', fileVersion:
- Remove Citrix and reinstall with one of the workarounds found here[forum.paradoxplaza.com].

Broken mods Check your mods against this list of known broken and incompatible mods[docs.google.com] or use the Mod Compatibility Checker mod to check your mods.

Simulation errors These happen from time to time. There are 3 mods that can help recover a save from these errors, and all mods can be used at the same time. It’s the Loading Screen Mod, Save Our Saves and Safenets.

Subscribe to all, enable them all, and then go to Options, find the Loading Screen Mod on the left, find Safe Mode and enable all options for Safe Mode.

Thank you so much for your patience! Hopefully you'll be back in the game and ready to enjoy all that Sunset Harbor offers very soon
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by ExplodingDiarrhoea: This isn't directly related, but all the other discussions are FILLED with comments, so i thought that i could go here. Is it okay if i have an explanation to why C:S Sunset Harbour not coming out when it said it would? I live in GB, and english time is two hours behind finland time, and it said it would be releasing at 10:00 am CET, and that is 8:00 am GMT, and it's 9 o' clock and it's still not ready yet. Is that just a problem with me, or...?

10 CET is 11 local time in Finland and 9 GMT.
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by ryanchan826: After entering "--noWorkshop", the game is crashed, and i can't enter the game.
what's the problem?
before entering "--noWorkshop", i can enter the game but i can't play it normally.
may roads are disappeared.

Hmm... I'm gonna send you to the support forum[forum.paradoxplaza.com] as this will need some proper looking into. Not sure why it's crashing for you with the launch option, that definitely shouldn't happen. When you post there, it would be super helpful if you can attach the log file. This guide explains where to find it.

about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by stevejohn.martin1: tried all of these, the launcher still crashes when i push play

If you're having issues with the launcher, then you will need support. You can either make a ticket[paradox.zendesk.com] or post on the official forums[forum.paradoxplaza.com]. I unfortunately can't help with the launcher, but support can guide you through the steps to get it sorted and log any bugs that will need fixing.
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by KyanaMccoy: ok i've set both launch options/commands and still isn't loading.

In that case you will need to make a bug report here[forum.paradoxplaza.com] with as much detail about how far you get before it gets stuck. That's the best way for us to help you out and get you back in the game. I'm sorry for the problems you're having. It's no fun when you just want to play the game. :(
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by Arklight: Is it possible to play the previous version of the game? i.e. whatever version it was yesterday. I don't plan on considering buying the dlc until I've finished with my current map, so can I play on the older version to avoid waiting for mod updates?

No, I'm afraid that isn't possible. Cities: Skylines does not offer older versions of the game.
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by nigelcgn: Dear Developers,
I think your analysis is a bit simple. It is so easy to shove all problems onto mods. However, if the game has errors when no mods are activated in a city (though in past cities they have been), then that seems unfair. See my comments in this thread:


I did my testing without the "--noWorkshop" entry as I read this later. However, you see I could start and successfully save a new game

However, as I don't have mods active (plain vanilla as you delivered it - though there are extra assets), I don't see how you can say it is only mods. A comment would be appreciated.

I am not a developer, but I am very familiar with modding the game. Hopefully my answer will satisfy.

If a save was made with mods running at any point, then the effect of those mods do not disappear just because we disable the mods. Many mods can be removed, but they have still affected the save. That's why you should always test on a new game to verify an issue.

It isn't a question of assigning blame - not at all - it's a question of getting you and everyone else the correct help. The developers cannot help with mod issues, so reporting issues that are caused by mods to the devs, will just waste their time and not solve any issues, which also means you as a player wasted your time talking to them.

Originally posted by Arklight: Thanks for the response, but may I ask why older versions are not available? Other mod-heavy games like Rimworld offer several previous versions of the game to account for mods that are no longer updated or abandoned, by allowing the player to select the version they want using steams 'beta' options. Would that be something the dev team could add before the next patch/update/dlc? (I understand that you can't add it retroactively for this current update).

As far as I know it's a deliberate choice the developers made from the start. What pros and cons made them arrive at that decision is not something I know I'm afraid.

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