over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Make sure you keep up with what mods need updating. I will make a post here on Steam next week with some general instructions and it will update with known broken mods, which ones get updated and such, so you know when it's safe to load your modded city again. :)

Most mods can be removed from a save without problem, so it's just a few that you need to be able to load the save again. And they will most likely be updated - or if the creator isn't active anymore - taken over by a new modder and updated. It might just take some time.

As for assets I definitely recommend removing any you don't need. From the amount and your load time, it sounds like you are way over what your RAM can handle, which means you might have the game crash after the patch (as it adds some new content).

You don't need everything that's listed as a dependency for a building. Props and trees are always optional - they just affect how the building looks. It's totally fine to leave any you don't want - I have several hundred missing assets because I don't want this prop or that tree. It doesn't affect performance, you will just see a long list if you're using the Loading Screen Mod. In your case performance in game might get better from removing a lot of stuff you don't need.

Lastly I will just share the link to the list of broken and incompatible mods[docs.google.com]. I suggest going through that (make sure to check all tabs) and clean up old, incompatible or overlapping mods. With 150-300 you are likely to have some that are broken or overlap with others. Making sure you have the newest versions of mods will help you when the patch comes. :)