over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
If you have enough traffic in your city, you might be hitting the vehicle limit, which would stop more vehicles from spawning. You can check that with the CSL Show More Limits mod.

If it isn't the limit, then it's probably a mod doing something it shouldn't. Best place to start is to check your mods against this list of broken and incompatible mods.

over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by OneJasonBradly: Population of 10,000 it reads, I doubt any limit has been reached ,lol.

The vehicle limit is 16k - it's entirely possible to hit it with a small city of only 10k. And it's so easy to check, there's no reason not to exclude it early on before doing more time consuming troubleshooting. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but it's a possibility.