over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Did you add any DLCs in this period? Did any mods or assets you're using update? Did you subscribe to anything new? 2k assets with larger textures could easily take up more memory than 3k assets with much smaller textures. So it's also a case of what you're subscribed to, not just how much.
over 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
I recommend you follow the guide snowflitzer linked and set your pagefile max size to 32GB. That will give you a nice sized pagefile to work with. If you are concerned that something strange is going on with memory usage, I would remove the mods/assets you added recently and see if that brings things back to normal.

As for Industries, you should consider getting that similar to subscribing to 3-400 new assets. You might need to clear out some workshop assets to use the DLC, but you might also be fine with an increased pagefile.