almost 4 years
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AquilaSol's guide has a pretty good rule of thumb to use.
A large pagefile can let you go beyond that, but be prepared for it to affect performance some and it may lead to the game being more unstable and occationally crashing when Windows uses a little extra RAM.
How many assets can I install on [xx]GB RAM?
It depends on the size of the assets. The game runs on the Unity engine, which loads all assets directly into the RAM on game load. so a 60MB train station uses 60MB RAM. A 10KB prop only uses 10KB, and so you can subscribe to a lot more before reaching the limit.
The average rule of thumb for the base game is:
4GB: 0-10 assets
8GB: 100-400 assets
12GB: 400-800 assets
16GB: 800-1200 assets
24GB: 1200-2000 assets
32GB: 2000-2800 assets
64GB: 2800-6000 assets
If you have any of the major DLC's or content creator packs, reduce the asset count by another 400 each. Each DLC adds about 250-400 assets to the game.
If it crashes on the loading screen, you've got too many. Remove them or buy more RAM.
A large pagefile can let you go beyond that, but be prepared for it to affect performance some and it may lead to the game being more unstable and occationally crashing when Windows uses a little extra RAM.