about 5 years ago - Clash Royale - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Applause]
4s you got what you deserve
6s you're nothing but a selfish cowardly
8s buffoon you'll never see your throne
10s again ha ha ha
13s buffoon me nonsense
15s he's Janice that's all you're not saying
18s anything you're a blessing sire you are
21s the bright sun shining on this kingdom
23s yeah I know but I am not you I am a king
26s with kingly needs I have an idea sire
28s let's rebuild a deck and reclaim your
30s castle quiet I'm thinking I know let's
33s rebuild a deck and reclaim my castle 3
36s cheers for my idea I'm going to send a
40s message to summon a new deck go ahead do
42s something for a change you're our only
45s hope
46s Oh skeleton you had one job let's hide
65s those bushes
69s this is my I doubt I'd somewhere else
76s you give us away
81s thanks a lot too beautiful to die
95s hmm I wonder how it continues vote now
101s you decide Jews carefully
107s be sure to subscribe quick we need your
111s help
112s vote now
112s [Music]